Write Brilliant

5 Powerful Reasons You Must Recapture the Lost Art of Sending a Card Today

Technology has turned the way we communicate upside down. Inboxes and text screen overflow. Sometimes emails become more of a bane than blessing. The email with the 124 pictures of cats was adorbs the first time, but somehow less endearing the 54th time you received it.

What if you reached out to someone the old-fashioned way using an aptly worded greeting card?

Who in your life can you reach out to today and speak words of hope and life and encouragement?

I felt compelled to create a line of cards for those who don’t know what to say. Because sometimes store bought cards just don’t capture our hearts.

Lately, I’ve been thinking about why we need to consider sending more cards a regular part of our lives.


1. To Stuff Someone’s Mailbox With Lots O’ Love.

Receiving emails and texts are fun, but nothing replaces reaching into your mailbox and discovering a handwritten card that reminds you how much you’re prayed for and adored. Do No Harm cards equip you to be present in someone’s life no matter what the situation and celebrate them and their strengths. The joy you feel when you receive a thoughtful card, well, they’ll experience it, too.


2. You’ve Been Meaning to Reach Out.

You’ve told yourself a dozen, a hundred, maybe more, that you’re going to pick up the phone, send that email, drop a note in the mail. Today is the day for action. You can send a card that shares joy and love and reminds the person they are not alone in whatever situation they’re facing. 


3. Sometimes You Don’t Know What to Say.

That’s why Do No Harm Cards are such a gift. They provide the words, the encouragement, the love—all you need to do is provide the address and stamp. You can reach into the midst of someone’s shiniest or darkest day and remind them they are not alone. You’re with them in the midst. 


4. Everyone needs encouragement.

We all stumble and misstep. We doubt ourselves and others. We have dirty dog bad days. When hope becomes threadbare in our lives, we need people who come alongside and breath words of hope, joy and encouragement. That’s you. You can give that to someone today.


5. Everyone needs a reason to smile.

Greeting cards also provide the opportunity to be unexpected and silly. Consider the following:



The inside reads: But you’re my kind of cray-cray and that’s why I love you bunches.

Pick up the When You Don’t Know What to Say Cards during the Annual Fall Sale going on now at

What’s the best card you’ve received?

*Original Photo Source


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