My friend, Elisa Morgan, is a gifted writer, speaker and founder of MOPS. She recently slipped a special book into my hands called The Prayer Coin along with an actual coin. One side read, “Honest,” and the other, “Abandon.” At first, I didn’t understand. Praying with...
Some books are finished after the manuscript is delivered to the printer. Others have just begun. This summer many of you have joined me for the Scouting the Divine Bible study. And this adventure, in many ways, is just beginning. The people I describe in its pages...
Meet my friend, Lori. Lori Wilhite is the founder of Leading and Loving it– an amazing resource and Re:Treat for women in ministry and pastors’ wives (PS: if this is you, COME to the event this fall. You won’t want to miss it.) She’s married Jud...
This Lenten season, I was struck once again by the presence of women at Jesus’ tomb. Even in its brevity, Mark’s Gospel makes mention that Mary of Magdalene, Mary mother of James, and Salome were the first to see the resurrected Christ. Throughout the...
It’s here! It’s here! I feel like a child on Christmas morning…though it’s Lent morning. Perhaps I should take a more somber tone. But for me, one of the most transformative seasons of the year is here. Today is Valentine’s Day, Ash Wednesday, and the beginning of...