Write Brilliant

My Unforgettable Time With Eugene Peterson

Several years ago, I spent a week studying Writing & The Pastoral Life with wise, raspy-voiced Eugene Peterson. This is the man who reminded us that the Bible was often penned by poets, the man who taught us that beautiful prose can undo the human heart. That...

When You Pray The Wrong Prayers

This past week I attended a conference for just for me. No speaking. No panels. Nada. That’s a big deal. My day job involves speaking at conferences, retreats, and leadership events, so signing up for an event to simply attend and receive is an unusual yet beautiful...

Little Known Ways to Handle Conflict Well

Who stomped on your nerves this week? When was the last time someone annoyed you with their strong-willed opinion? How did you respond when someone refused to drop a prickly topic? If you’re living a healthy, vibrant life in a community, you’ll run smack into people...
Ann Voskamp’s 3 Secrets to Writing

Ann Voskamp’s 3 Secrets to Writing

We’re deep into Lent. Today I’m sharing my reflections on my Facebook page LIVE—so you can see the joy on my face as we dive into today’s reading. But I want to pause here to give you a Lent Bonus—wisdom from a modern writer, who like the writer Gospel of John, stirs...

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