Write Brilliant

How to Develop Soft Eyes This Holiday Season

Bright lights. Crowded stores. Traffic jams. Over the upcoming weeks, you’ll find moments of joy and delight, but also sparks of stress and frustration. In all the doing and going, the lists to fulfill, the chores that must be done, the projects that can’t wait any...

Join the launch team for Taste and See!

When I wrote Fight Back With Joy, I honestly thought it might be my last book. So it’s with great celebration, a 10-second dance party, and some serious woot woot, that I get to announce to the world the launch of Taste and See: Discovering God Among Butchers, Bakers,...

A Fresh Approach to Prayer (You’ve Never Heard Of)

My friend, Elisa Morgan, is a gifted writer, speaker and founder of MOPS. She recently slipped a special book into my hands called The Prayer Coin along with an actual coin. One side read, “Honest,” and the other, “Abandon.” At first, I didn’t understand. Praying with...

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