Write Brilliant

What’s a Morning Chutzpah & Where Did It Come From?  A few years ago, I decided to start each day with a quotable dubbed “Morning Chutzpah”. You’ll see these quotes early in the morning on both Facebook and Twitter.

Today’s Morning Chutzpah:

“Research into the past, as an aim in itself, without the ‘present,’ is not worth a bean.” -Chaim Nachman Bialik

The quotes are primarily from Jewish writers, entertainers, theologians, and artists. Some are full of wisdom, others humor, others thought provoking and still others quirky observations on life. Every so often we throw in a quote from a non-Jewish contributor because the quote is so full of spark and life and hilarity.

Morning chutzpah is meant to make you stop, think, and even smile. [Tweet this]

Where did Morning Chutzpah come from?

Growing up, my Jewish grandmother frequently peppered conversations with Yiddish words. One of which was chutzpah (pronounced huuts-pah). If you look up chutzpah in the dictionary you’ll find it defined as “shameless audacity” or “imprudence”. As a result, some have interpreted chutzpah as something negative—a word used to describe someone who has crossed the lines of acceptable behavior.

But my Jewish grandmother never used “chutzpah” with a negative connotation as much as a sense of awe. Men and women who had chutzpah were admired—even if their acts weren’t always admirable. Chutzpah meant you were super gusty, marked by moxie, willing to do or say what others were not. [Tweet this]

For example, when Jesus opens up the scrolls, reads aloud in the temple, then declares, “Today the Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing,” well, that’s some holy chutzpah. And all the rabbis knew it!

Some days we all need a little boost of chutzpah.

Here are a few of my favorite Morning Chutzpah:

What’s a Morning Chutzpah & Where Did It Come From?

Morning Chutzpah: “Labor is a craft, but perfect rest is an art.” –Abraham Joshua Heschel [Tweet this]

What’s a Morning Chutzpah & Where Did It Come From?

Morning Chutzpah: “Old age is always fifteen years older than I am.” –Bernard Baruch [Tweet this]

What’s a Morning Chutzpah & Where Did It Come From?

Morning Chutzpah: “Get up and out, my man, the day is bursting with moments.” –Hofstein [Tweet this]

What’s a Morning Chutzpah & Where Did It Come From?

Morning Chutzpah: “The first step to wisdom is silence.” – Solomon Gabirol [Tweet this]

Do you have a favorite quote that might be perfect for Morning Chutzpah?

Let us know as a comment below. We’re always looking for great, thoughtful, feisty, quotables. And to enjoy Morning Chutpzah follow on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook.

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