Write Brilliant

5 New Year’s Resolutions Worth Making (and Keeping)

I don’t know about you, but I don’t always do the best with New Year’s Resolutions. I go strong… for about two weeks. By the time February rolls around, the goals I made in January are far gone from my mind.

Instead of making a resolution you won’t keep, resolve to make 2018 the year to flourish.

How To Pray When You Don’t Know What To Pray

How To Pray When You Don’t Know What To Pray

Prayer is a spiritual discipline we simply can’t live without. Through prayer, we express our adoration and affection to God. We make requests or petitions to God. We confess our brokenness to God and ask for forgiveness. We thank God for His presence and work in our...

Tired? Read this.

More often than I’d like to admit, I wake up feeling run down, spent, and empty. Maybe you know what that feels like. Maybe you’re even feeling it today. A few years ago, I quickly discovered that in order to lay hold of the rhythm of rest I needed, I had to...

Are You a Treasure Hunter? The Wonder of Restoration

My friend, Veronica Johnson, from Canby Oregon, recently shared with me some of the hidden riches she’s discovered. Looking at items others would pass by or toss in the trash, she sees potential and worth. Veronica loves to restore old things. Consider some of her...

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