Write Brilliant

What to Do When Your Future Feels Flimsy

Two white, wooden rocking chairs move in rhythm on a crisp spring morning. The pinkish hues of dawn disappear as the sun climbs into the sky. My fingers clutch my husband, Leif’s knee. The back of my hand is marred by the wrinkles and sunspots I’ve long since given up trying to fight and learned to embrace them as the signs of a life well-lived.

My vision of the future may look wildly different than yours, but what do you do when circumstances, hardship, and trials blur your vision? Steal your hope?

The fiery trials I’ve faced have forced me to repaint the images of my future. Perhaps your challenges have, too.

Maybe life hasn’t turned out like you expected. Your future feels flimsy.

You poured yourself, your life, your soul into a company that let you go without the slightest consideration of what this would to do your life, your family, your future.

Perhaps you invested your retirement in a company that went belly up. An embezzlement left you high and dry.

Maybe you believed “I do” meant forever. Until life took an unsuspecting turn.

Or you picked out the name for the baby who never took its first breath.

Maybe you had Norman Rockwell images of your family together at the holidays laughing and celebrating. Instead the gathering is an unsavory blend of fake smiles, anger, unforgiveness.

Or perhaps there’s an empty seat, an empty bedroom, an empty bed of the one who is never coming back.

The future can start to feel flimsy. Our wills become wobbly. Our confidence becomes rickety.

Sometimes the future can look bleak, even completely black.

That’s when God whispers the promise:

“I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name” (Isaiah 45:3)


Whenever life doesn’t turn out like we expect, our illusions shatter. The niceties we tell ourselves burst. The false myths we believe are exposed.

This is a painful, horrendous process.

Yet the gift of darkness is that it forces us to squint for God.

the gift of darkness

And that’s when we find Him. The Ultimate Treasure. The Holy Beautiful One. And the joy that can only be found with Him.

Today, know that you are not alone. Even in this you can fight back with joy.

When your future feels flimsy, God wants to fortify your faith.

What to Do When Your Future Feels Flimsy

I stand beside you. With you. Committed to peer into the darkness until we discover the treasures God has for us.

In Fight Back With Joy, I share the treasures I’ve been finding in the dark. Those hidden glimpses of God that only those who know great darkness can see.

Fight Back With Joy is officially available for pre-order. To pre-order a copy of Fight Back With Joy for you and a friend, click here.

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What “treasures of darkness” have you discovered during your most difficult times?

*Original Photo Source


Expand your joy threshold by awakening to God’s fierce love for you in Margaret’s new book and Bible study, Fight Back With Joy: Regret Less. Celebrate More. Stare Down Your Greatest Fears. Click here to purchase your copy.

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