I recognized the cookie long before I recognized the prophet.
“I felt like the Lord told me to give this to you,” Suzanne said, handing me a cookie.
I stared at the one eyed creature.
“When I saw this I felt like God was saying, ‘You have doMINION over the darkness—get it?”
I burst out laughing.
“This isn’t meant to be eaten,” she said. “Just keep it.”
People have handed me all kinds of items over the years at events, but this was my first one-eyed cookie.
This packaged snack sits next to my Bible on our living room table.
The little guy is stale by now, but the woman’s words are as fresh in mind as if just pulled out of the oven.
Sometimes I forget this truth. I suspect you forget, too.
The darkness rolls in taking the form of…
searing self-doubt
self-hatred after a glance in the mirror
another day of pain
what felt like a betrayal from a friend
a dose of discouragement
the memory of someone you’d give anything for one more day with
The pathway of darkness takes many forms, but the results are all too similar.
Darkness looms with starless, midnight shadows. Clouds our minds. Storms our emotions. Thunders against our resolve. Blinds us to the truth of who and whose we are.
The Scripture tells us we not defenseless.
Jesus does not leave us in the dark.
“For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” —Colossians 1:13-14
Jesus is not afraid of the dark.
“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”—Romans 8:38-39
Often when I read this from Romans I focus on the spelunking the depths of God’s love, climbing toward the peaks. But this passages reminds us that darkness is inevitable in this life.
Dark shadows.
Painful memories
Invisible forces.
Yet God’s love wins. Every time.
I have a variety of strategies when it comes to staring down the darkness. I hope you do, too.
I snuggle into the truth of Scripture—reading, reciting, reflecting.
I call on the name of Jesus, that nombre above all nombres.
I ask God to awaken the other believers to pray for me in that moment.
I tuck myself in bed and remind myself the darkness will shrink with a good night’s sleep.
I refuse to engage in the downward spiral of thinking and set my mind on brighter thoughts.
But the prophet with the cookie reminded me of another powerful tactic—joy.
Sometimes you and I need to push back the darkness through laughter, silliness, and joy. This is the key to flourishing again.
A weekend getaway with friends.
A night of giggling and laughter.
An evening with a great comedy.
An afternoon with a funny book.
A breakfast with that person who makes you laugh every time you’re with them.
A morning of hilarious YouTube videos.
Sometimes we shove back the darkness by…
Not taking ourselves so seriously.
Engaging in the spiritual discipline of being a goofball.
Sharing laughter with others.
Or simply being reminded that you, yes, you, have doMINION over the darkness.
Now you still maybe wondering: was the woman with the cookie really a prophet? Maybe she wasn’t an official prophet, but one who spoke words of life, hope, and truth into my heart.
And we need to be people who live on high alert for the encouragement God’s gives us—whatever form it takes.
My hope and prayer for you (and me, too) is that we will be a people who take doMINION over the darkness and learn to flourish today.
Margaret…I have a windbreaker with Minions all over it..people just laugh when they see it..perhaps I’m their prophet for that day!
So wonderful! Praying it is a reminder to you that YOU have doMinion of darkness! Hugs!
Margaret, do you have a list of funny books to read during this time? We are in a painful moment right now, our 3 1/2 year process of adopting internationally is unraveling. The grief is a constant presence. Reading always helps….. funny reading would help more.
One suggestion: Stuff Christians Like by Jon Acuff.
Ditto to what Bethany suggested. Also, Anita Renfroe is hilarious! Check her out! Praying you find joy in the midst of grief and pain. Hang in there, sister. Huge hug!
Goodness- I read your comment and couldn’t help but think of the LONG journey that just ended for our family as our daughter came home through International adoption. Praying for you as you navigate the refining journey you are on right now. It is worth it.
Margaret, I pray every morning for you at 7:40 A.M. Eastern time
What a blessing you are, Pat! Thank you!
For to me to step out of the shadow of darkness continuing in the Light and wonderful path therein, I also get alone with the Lord and jus be open hearted and vulnerable with Him about the passing shadow and its affect on me. By doing so, I find the Lord’s comfort and Truth in the moment which brings Light and Liberty to the situation, thus causing the scampering of evil as roaches when the lights are flipped on in a dark room. Then I relish in my Beloved Lord as our walk continues and relationship deepens.
Another dispensation of darkness for me is to jus let my heart flow in streams of songs and music unto the Lord. This from my own heart relationship with Him which both sends evil running and brings delight unto Mine Heart and Mine Beloved’s.
Now when fear tries to ebb in, The Lord has taught me to and I thus do to speak to the Lord beyond the fear. For example, “Lord, beyond this fear trying to come in, I TRUST YOU. I Trust You. I Trust You to ________________________________________ ! [fill in the blank with the opposite of what the fear is trying to destroy] … ” Then give Him Thanks and Appreciation for fulfilling my trust in Him. Fear has left quicker and quicker when I follow the Lord’s instruction in this manner.
These are jus a few of my weapons against the shadow of darkness and fear therein …
Joy in the Journey …
Beautiful, Paula! I love hearing how others are Fighting Back With Joy in their own unique ways! Thank you for sharing.
Thank you Margaret for your beautiful words. Once again you have uplifted me and taught me so much. I too pray for you every day. Thank you for being a vessel of God through which you touch so many lives including mine. God bless you sister in Christ.
Danielle, you have blessed my socks off with your words of encouragement! Thank you!
According to Nina Powell, who Mark links toOne journalist wrote that he was surprised how many people in Tottenham knew of and were critical of the IPCC, but there should be nothing surprising about this.The IPCC? Who knew that Tottenham was full of climate sceptics, and they would vent their rage by burning down shops?
Prayers from Prague Dear One.
We keep getting the police called on us,as we take dominion over the darkness. Our church office (the “Bridge) is in the red light district, of the city ( off of Wenceslas Square.). On a street filled with pimps, prostitution, and obnoxious behavior, our youth group keeps causing trouble…they worship too loudly. So far, the police haven’t charged us, for we haven’t broken any law. But I do have to laugh at the fact that we’re the ones whom the police get called on, upon that street.
Have you ever gone to Bible study at 8:00am, and had an old man “lookin-for-love” follow you? As an older woman, I just wanted to turn around and shout “SHAME ON YOU!” But I can’t remember how to say it in Czech.
Margaret, may the Lord give you treasures, even in darkness, peace even in testing. Have a joy-blessed day!
Wow, God bless you Becky and your commitment to these young people with whom you are worshipping. Amazing story to lift this free country girl’s heart. Prayers for you and your ministry.
Wow! So interesting. Prayers for your continued protection as well as God to show up during those moments of worship and beyond!
Reminds me of my favourite Advent verse: The people walking in darkness have seen a great light.” Isaiah 9:2 We have the perfect light Jesus showing us His Truth. Thanks for the reminder. DCS
Wonderful verse! Hugs!
Your book, Flourish, ministers to me through your words, The Word, coloring, & meditating on it all–thank you for the joy, love & Truth you bring!
That blesses me, Susan. Thank you! Happy coloring!
Your words on darkness were just what I needed today. Pray for my church, Trinity.
So happy to hear you were touched. Prayers for you and your church. Hugs!
Thank you Margaret,
I really appreciate how you explain things. I have struggles like everyone else. Being a single mom I am trying to cope with a job and being in school. I have dealt with the loss of my husband and a few years later a loss of my job. Never having gone to college I guess I just decided why not go for it. The pressure of everyday struggles can pile up . I go to bible study, but sometimes fall short on my studies. I know Jesus is there through it all. I just tend to forget to give him my worries sometimes . I want to “take dominion over darkness and flourish each and everyday”
That is a lot to manage! Prayers that His peace would overwhelm you when you need it the most. Hugs!
Hi Margaret,
What encouraging words and a great reminder. Due to trauma in the past, I frequently wake with nightmares. I call out to Christ. Lately however, I’ve been struggling to smile and have joy. I haven’t had it for 10 years now. I don’t even know what it looks like. Pray God can show me and praying for you in your dark moments.
Praying for you, Renee, as you seek Him. May His joy come to you in the most unexpected times! Huge hug!
Right before I clicked on this post I was attacked by the powers of darkness who didn’t like what I had fervently prayed earlier this night. I took your suggestion and asked God to stir someone’s heart to pray for me. Then I clicked your “flourishing” link and one of your workers asked in the chat, “How can I help you?” So I asked her to pray for me. ? God is so good to direct me here! I’ll never look at a Minion the same again.
I love that God spoke to you in this simple way! I take myself way to seriously most of the time. Reverence for God doesn’t have to be stuffy. Thank you for showing me this. Much Love, Rebecca Lynn
~love, love, love~
Thank you, Margaret, for being in my life.
Si un Nadal ou un Fed peuvent s’inquiéter de devoir affronter delpo dès le 1er tour d’un tournoi, je suppose que delpo pourrait lui aussi s’inquiéter d’une telle perspective.