Write Brilliant

How to Nurture Wonder

In our modern culture, we aren’t really taught to nurture a sense of wonder.

Yet from the very beginning of Genesis, we get a glimpse creating endless surprises in the sky, sea, and land, all the way to the closing of Revelation where we see God seated on the throne with peels of lightning and thunder and creatures beyond description, we serve a God who is full of wonder. Indeed, our God is Wonderful.

I’m so excited to be part of the Catalyst Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, October 7-9–an event that attracts more than 10,000 pastors, leaders, and ministers from around the world. Gifted teachers, gurus, and my personal heroes including Andy Stanley, Louie Giglio, Brene Brown, Erwin McManus, Christine Caine and many more will be exploring the theme of Awaken to Wonder. Plus, on lab day, I can’t wait to be part of the If:Gathering Track.

Why is wonder so crucial?

If familiarity breeds contempt, then religious familiarity breeds cynicism. 

All of us, if we are not careful, can lose the wonder.

The wonder of…

being a child of God

of having our name on the lips of Jesus

of sharing the name of a holy nation, a royal priesthood, a gathering of precious saints

of walking among those who are broken but made whole, sinful but redeemed, imperfect but deeply loved

Hebrews 12:28-29 says, “Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our “God is a consuming fire.”

Do you see it?

Our worship of God, in part, is to be fueled by a sense of awe.

And so if we, who claim to be followers of Jesus, lovers of God, and aren’t experiencing any wonder of who God is in our lives, then maybe we need to ask some hard questions:

Where have I reduced God?

Where I have compartmentalized God?

Where I have told God—either aloud or in my attitudes and actions—you can have access to this part of my life but not that part?

Or worse, where have I said, God, I only want this much of you in my life. I don’t want the fullness of you are.

When we begin nurturing a desire for God’s wonder in our lives, when we begin praying for wonder, in essence, we’re saying:

“God, I want all of you. Reveal all of who you are in every area of my life.”

Make that your prayer today: God, I want all of you. Reveal all of who you are in every area of my life. Amen.

Wonderstruck DVD Bible STudy

Want to begin nurturing the wonder of God in all areas of your life? Pick up Wonderstruck: 7-Session DVD Bible Study Kit ($79.95).

If you dip into the five nights of homework each week (20 minutes or less), you’ll find out just how much God is busting at the seams to display His power, glory, and might in your life. Grab a friend, some compadres in a book club, a small group cohort, and let’s unwrap the wonder of God together.

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