Write Brilliant

What Happens When 10,000 People Read the Same Book

Over 10,000 friends are joining us for the #LentChallenge.

Can you believe it?

10,000 people from around the world dedicating about 30 minutes per day to read through the entire New Testament. My heart is bursting at its seams in anticipation for what God is going to do in and through our lives during the next 40 days.

(Psst… it’s not too late to join us. Download the free reading guide, here. Subscribe to the YouVersion reading guide, here).

Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are abuzz with #LentChallenge posts. I wanted to share a few of my favorite tweets, blogs, and emails from our first week of the #LentChallenge: 

Best tweet and pic ever:

Most brilliant:

My friend, Heather Zempel from National Community Church in DC just reeks of wisdom. Why does Matthew begin with a genealogy?

“Your introduction is the most important paragraph you will write.” I remember these words from junior high composition class. My teacher would emphasize that a good writer might spend double or triple the time on crafting the perfect introduction as they would any other part of the book. If you can grab the attention of your reader in the first few sentences, you can take them deeper into the book.

Obviously, Matthew wasn’t in my class. Or wasn’t listening. The New Testament opens in the most boring way imaginable—a genealogy

Most breathtaking:

Loved this beautiful poem from Sandra Heska King’s 40 Words of Lent:

Today’s walk revealed

an angel of Grace

and the reminder that

to journey with the wind at your back

is easier than to turn and fight it.

I wondered if God’s eye was on the sparrow

but not the cardinal.

Most convicting:

This is a question you need to be asking yourself. Are you producing good fruit or rotten fruit? From Leading and Loving it Blog.

Ultimately, fruit doesn’t lie. Want to know if you’re living a God-honoring life?

Check your fruit.

Want to know if an individual would be a great volunteer leader or hire at your church?

Wait, watch, and check their fruit.

Feel suspicious about the person who is overly eager to befriend you?

Examine their fruit.

Most heart melting:

Ed Choy’s 10 year old dives into the word:

Best email:

I’m excited to start another 40-day Lent Challenge, and would like to share briefly why…

In November 2012 I was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia. At the time I was a 35 year-old single mom and had no idea how quickly my life was going to change. My daughter was just beginning her freshman year of high school — a challenge in itself!

Now we were also embarking on the fight to stay alive.

I made it through the induction round of chemo which put me in remission, and then launched into four rounds of high dose chemo to keep the cancer away. By March of 2013 I was beat down physically, but God had been faithful in keeping me in His loving arms which kept my spirits up. When I went to the Lent service, I was still unsure of exactly what would be my sacrifice during the upcoming 40 days.

I went home and searched. And was totally psyched to find Margaret’s challenge. I said “Heck, yeah! Bring it on!”

Long story short, the last two rounds of chemo were doozies and I probably completed about 25 of the 40 days. BUT, those days were life changing in many ways and I am so grateful for God’s perfect timing that led me to each scripture and story.

So here I am a year later, healthy and back to work… even training for a half-marathon. I’m excited to get started on this year’s Lent Challenge and look forward to some incredible awesomeness once again!



Diving into Scripture reminded me of this cringe-worthy compilation of Bible jokes and riddles:

Q. How do we know Peter was a rich fisherman?

A. By his net income.

Most honest:

And what you probably need to read today. From my friend, Shelly Miller:

The anxiety isn’t about her leaving to go to college, a lack of trust or confidence. Her character is proof she will achieve success in whatever she chooses.

Or because I find my identity in motherhood; those who know me will testify that I don’t. I’m not concerned for the possible scenario’s I envision without my influence or presence in them, no God is bigger than that.

It’s knowing we will both enter a new season of life without the sacrament of presence. The fear I’ve taken the closeness for granted — that’s why I’m uneasy.

Best resources for this week’s reading:

What are you learning during the #LentChallenge? Share links to your blog and twitter below.

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