I have so many friends and books and projects I have been just bubbling up to share with you.
Let me introduce you to a few of my dear friends (plus a chance to win free books!):
This uplifting collection includes moving stories of cultivating friendship, waiting on God, choosing joy, staying connected, and more from popular writers such as Jessica Turner, Lisa-Jo Baker, Holley Gerth, Ann Voskamp, Bonnie Gray, Tsh Oxenreider, Leeana Tankersley, Emily Freeman, Margaret Feinberg, and many others. Each story is accompanied by an uplifting Scripture verse, and the book includes Dawn’s stunning photos.
To win a copy, simply make a comment below on why you’d like a copy of The Beauty of Grace. Winner will be selected on Friday.
Congratulations to the winner of The Beauty of Grace : Elizabeth Durden
We’re also giving away an encouraging book by Holley Gerth, You’re Loved No Matter What. Freeing Your Heart from the Need to Be Perfect. Holley has been a cheerleader for me over the last few years and I couldn’t be more grateful. Through her book, you’ll discover tactics to break free from perfectionism and awaken to the depths of God’s great love.
To win a copy, simply make a comment below on why you’d like a copy of You’re Loved No Matter What. Winner will be selected on Friday.
Congratulations to the winner of You’re Loved No Matter What : Katelyn
And the final treasure that’s popped on my desk is Your Sacred Yes: Trading Life-Draining Obligation for Freedom, Passion, and Joy by Susie Larson. The book and study provide practical ways to learn how to say no without guilt or shame and find a pace and perspective that matches God’s best for you.
To win a copy, simply make a comment below on why you’d like a copy of Your Sacred Yes. Winner will be selected on Friday.
Congratulations to the winner of Your Sacred Yes : Lindsay Malek
What books are you reading and loving lately?
I mentor a fairly new Christian, and when we part, I tell her I love her. She always asks, “No matter what?” And I always reply, “No matter what!” The book, You’re Loved No Matter What, would be a wonderful one to give her to help reinforce God’s love for her as she has had an abusive past and deals with anorexia.
You’re Loved No Matter What! Talk about good news! I am a middle daughter sandwiched between two very high-achieving sisters. Though our parents never compared us or made me feel less than, I grew up not sure that I was as worthy or lovable. It was a self-imposed judgement, but one that weighed heavily on my shoulders. Discovering and BELIEVING that I am a cherished daughter of God has been life-changing. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the book.
My college daughter is struggling with an eating disorder because of her perfectionism. To have that book, you are loved no matter what, would be a gift for her.
The beauty of grace would be a delight for me as I feel called to encourage others, I could use the stories to encourage other women whom I am drawn to mentor.
Prayers. Stress related eating disorders can often times be related to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Highly intelligent kids put insurmountable goals on themselves adding more stress. It can be a neurological disorder or an emotional disorder that triggers this stress whereby Therapy and lots of love and support is needed becore it progresses.
Loves to you, Marlene!
What fun books! I simply love books. My booklists are overflowing. Books inspire and motivate me, encourage and challenge me.
You’re Loved No Matter What caught my attention first because God has been really churning my heart lately abut the question of “am I enough”. I see it in so many moms, so many of my friends and it’s lie I sometimes believe as well.
I’d also love to read The Beauty of Grace, though. I’ve read many of the authors included in that book and really enjoyed them. Plus books with smaller stories or chapters seem somehow easier to digest. Sometimes 10 minutes here or there is all the reading I can find time for! 🙂
I would love a copy of Your Sacred Yes. I am in the process of discernment right now about where to go with my future, especially vocationally. This book seems like it be a great addition to the questions I am thinking through.
I have a friend at work that could really use the book “Your Sacred Yes”. She constantly gives all of herself to others but rarely takes time to think of her needs.
I’d love a copy of the Beauty of Grace as I’m trying to cultivate an awareness of God’s grace in all areas of my life…even the mundane. John tells us that “out of His fullness we have received grace upon grace”, and I’d love to read this book as a way to reflect on that and spur me on to recognize that in my life.
I would love a copy of “Your Sacred Yes”. As a people pleaser the word no is difficult to say to some but I am learning. I also work with so many women who are young wives and mothers and learning to say no now to the right things would benefit them immensely.
I would love to win some free books, I have struggle with my faith and reading books and keeping in touch with your website really help me
god bless
I love Holley Gerth and I’ve been wanting to read “You’re Loved No Matter What”. I would love to win a copy! I like to keep the positive going in at all times!
I would be happy with any of the books. I love to read especially anything that is encouraging and about God. I am in my second year of remission from Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia and I know so well at the mercy and grace of God can do and will change things.
I’d be happy to have ANY of these books! They all sound amazing. “Your Sacred Yes” is right up my alley of needs. I’m a compulsive over-committer. 😉
I have a friend who grew up Catholic and still has issues with “earning” God’s favor. I think both “The Beauty of Grace” and “You Are Loved No Matter What” would be great for her. And “Your Sacred Yes” sounds like a great perspective for a couple of people-pleaser friends of mine.
I’m currently reading Sally Clarkson’s Own Your Life and Michelle Anthony’s Spiritual Parenting, but any of these three would be welcome on my shelf. They all sound great!
Actually, any of the books would be a blessing, but the book “The Beauty of Grace” is a book that would be very helpful for me at this time. My best friend and I are opening a new shop/showroom and could use any encouraging words and stories to keep us uplifted as we deal with all craziness that this adventure has and will have in store for us.
Thank you.
It seems a popular choice, as I’d also choose “You’re Loved No Matter What.” It was a close competition between that and “Your Sacred Yes.”
I’d love any of these books too, but “You’re Loved No Matter What” is a book I’d dearly love to bless to a friend of mine who could use this encouragement. Books can often say things in a way I could never do – I have such admiration for those who have the gift of writing and communication and use it to declare HIS word and precepts.
I would like “Your Sacred Yes”…I need to know what God has planned for me. There are a lot of life changes…oldest daughter 27 and family moving to SC, her husband is Army…middle daughter 25 just had a baby…youngest daughter 21 is now going to take summer classes at our local community college…and our son age 10 is in need of braces to expand his upper jaw, as he is growing faster. We live on one income which is less than $30k, family of four and I homeschool. I try to please all and need discernment.
I would also love any of the books! They all sound like amazing books! If I really had to choose, I’d pick The Beauty of Grace. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Oh wow! All three of these books sound wonderful, and I’d love a copy of any of them. I’m especially drawn to “You’re Loved No Matter What.” I am an absolute perfectionist, and it can make me a little cray-cray! I need to work on this.
Both of these book giveaways have such compelling titles. “The Beauty of His Grace,” and “You’re Loved, No Matter What,” have the subject of grace interjected. I feel either one of them would bring me closer to the Lord to explore His inexpressible grace in my daily life.
The Beauty of Grace sounds like a wonderful book by many wonderful writers. Thank you so much for offering these. I am a teacher in need of refreshing over the summer and would love to read any of these books!
I would love any of these books. I need the encouragement!!
I would love The Sacred Yes! I am in the midst of a lengthy discernment process where I’m making some significant changes in my life, based on where I see God leading me. It began when I was seriously ill for two years and has continued, post-recovery. It’s been rewarding — but still isn’t easy. So, I’d love that book.
I am a book junkie…..
Also, having surgery on the last day of school (I’m a teacher)… And all I’ll be able to do is sit and read…. So I am building up my book repertoire for the summer. 🙂
Sacred Yes attracts me – understanding the sacredness of my ‘yes’ would be valued.
Thx for the giveaway offers – appreciated
Both of these book giveaways have such compelling titles. “The Beauty of His Grace,” and “You’re Loved, No Matter What,” have the subject of grace interjected. I feel either one of them would help me to continue to trust his grace as I deal with the loss of two miscarriages and fear to hope for a child.
It’s a toss up between The Beauty of Grace and Your Sacred Yes. As a pastor’s wife, I talk with our ladies all the time about grace and forgiveness and receiving His grace. As a woman I struggle with with knowing what to do and what to let go of and what’s God’s will and way.
I would love a copy of the beauty of grace and you are loved no matter what. As a homeschool mom I really struggle with feeling loved by God. I seem to feel that I am always letting Him down. These books could really help me learn more about His love and grace. Thanks!
What a blessing you are to Bless us in a give away! Love all of these authors & follow them! The Secret Yes! & The beauty of His Grace are the 2 books that grab my heart & spirit! Thank you for giving us a a chance to win these free! Looking to Jesus daily!!
Oh & follow you & you Bless & minister to me & my heart! Hugs
The Beauty of Grace! Because I’m a photographer myself, so I’d especially enjoy the photos in this book! I also love all those contributing authors.
I love Margaret Feinberg’s books. I get her e-mails and can’t wait to read what she has written. I love books and reading and then I like to share them with other people. I will trust the Lord that if I am supposed to have these books I will win, if not maybe there is someone else that needs them more.
Time is sacred! So knowing specifically where/how personal time choices are made would be very helpful! Would love more confidence in this area.
I would love to win the book “Your Sacred Yes” because I am often overwhelmed with too many calls on my time and allowing the guilt settle in when I say no to things I don’t really feel God is calling me to. Need help!
Each of these books is on my “to-buy” list! Holly Gerth has a gentle way of weaving words together to get to the heart of the matter in a way that no one else can. As a photographer myself, just looking at the cover and reading about The Beauty of Grace, reaches into my weary and wounded soul with a soothing balm. I can only imagine that being able to read the whole book would be healing. Your Sacred Yes was recommended by one of my pastors and I am anxious to read it. Eleven years ago I was widowed and waited a long time to get married again. God’s hand was in the midst of my remarriage to a widower three years ago. Our pastors, family and friends were all amazed at the work God did by putting our families together. It was a beautiful story. Out of the blue one evening, a year and a half into our marriage, he told me that blending families was hard and he wanted out. Our divorce was final four months ago today and the three boys we have between us and I are struggling to heal and to make sense of the tsunami that occurs during a divorce. Perfectionism, people-pleasing and striving too hard are all things I struggle with. Each of these books would minister to my aching soul in a tremendous way.
PS – I am reading Fighting Back with Joy and am loving it! Thank you for following the Lord’s call on your life and writing transparently! It makes me feel comforted to know that I am not alone on this journey:)
I would love to have a copy of this book. I am one who has said that it will work out “no matter what” knowing and having confidence in God’s ultimate plans.
“You’re Loved No Matter What” … really????? Did she write this book after taking a look inside my head and heart? The strive for perfection, for Wonder Woman, for never having a chink the old armor is so much of who I am and such a struggle. Getting older, growing in my faith has helped but still SUCH. A. BATTLE.
Simply because ‘perfection’ is my enemy……
~ Thanks <3
I love to read Maragaret’s books! Also, I just plain love to read! I like to read Christian inspirational. It encourages me in my faith . I might read and pass on or give away to someone that needs it . Pick me!! Jennifer Chavers,Dallas, Tx
I am a counselor at my church and any one of these books would be appreciated… I am always looking for resources to help others and myself on our journeys to get/ stay close to God … Thank you for the giveaway. Blessings
Any of the 3 would be wonderful!! I love hearing/reading stories of how God shows His love!! In good times and bad His love shines thru!!
I have 2 granddaughters who, over this past year have started cutting!! One because of a boy who intrigued her and he encouraged it. The other because her parents separated and divorced when she was about 6 mo to 1yr old and at age 16 her fantasy is still that they will be a family despite her mother bring happily married since she was 3 to a successful USCG officer and her dad now on the 2nd marriage since their divorce and several other children Sky has just learned about this year!!! Both have been in counseling!!
And I and at least one of my 3 daughters in law have a very fuffivult time saying no then become totally broken when it doesn’t all go right!!!!
On my knees before His throne daily and more for all of these but reading is always reassuring and encouraging!!!
Bless you Margaret for your ministries!!! You are always one I look forward to hearing at e-Women!!!!!
I am newly retired after 30 years of teaching. Your sacred yes sounds like a book I need to read. I have already been asked and approached to lead many wonderful opportunities. How do I know which to lead, be a part of, or support in prayer? I want to further Gods kingdom in the way He wants me to give my time and energy.
i would love a copy of The Beauty of Grace. I find myself studying grace, wanting more grace, to give more grace. Would love to learn from these writers!
I would love to have any or all of these books! I lead a Bible study with about thirty women in it. We are always reading and recommending studies and books. I already follow Susie and have shared and shared her prayers. They give me great joy. We just LOVE Margaret! Thanks for offering a giveaway!
I would love to win any of these books. 🙂 I have been planning to purchase “You’re Loved No Matter What”, and it would be great to win that. 🙂
I would love a copy of You’re loved No Matter What. My husband and I just suffered our first miscarriage after two years of trying to build a family. My self esteem fell drastically. It’s hard to remember sometimes that we are loved and God has a plan for us.
Thanks for the opportunity to read more for free, Margaret! I was forced to retire without a pension from my college teaching job after I earned a doctorate in my field, and still have to pray for grace and forgiveness to accept that this is God’s will no matter what I think. My husband is recovering from open heart surgery, I am recovered from a rare disease that disables 98% of those diagnosed.I believe that more reading of books by these beautiful Christian authors will enhance my ability to give back the fullness of life I’ve been allowed to experience to this day. I wish to find out how I can best come alongside those who have trials like ours and encourage them that there is still purpose in their life, even if its not so perfect. I see that our greatest joy is to celebrate the life that God has for us on earth while we still can, “no matter what” the prognosis, the finances, what others do or say, God indeed continues to show His love. I hope you see fit to send this title by Holley Gerth, You’re Loved No Matter What. Freeing Your Heart from the Need to Be Perfect, so I can also be a cheerleader and also “discover tactics to break free from perfectionism and awaken to the depths of God’s great love. ” I’d be happy to write a review as well if it helps you.
I would LOVE to win a copy of “You’re Loved No Matter What” because I’m in the middle of a separation/impending divorce and I know that the truth I need to hang on to in the midst of this storm is that no matter what the natural circumstances are or what the results of my current situation may be, I am furiously loved by my Abba…no matter what.
Oh they all sound so good!! I’d be happy with any one of them!!
I would like to know God for who He truly is and winning any of the books I think would help me in my quest.
why do I want to win any of these 3 books- well I know that others need them more than I do but here is why I’d love to read them- God has been speaking to me a whole lot about grace lately and I am asking Him to help me grow in grace. As for the You are Loved book- I spent way too much of my life trying to be perfect- lying to myself that I could be- and in the recent years realizing and admitting I could never be and that God doesn’t expect me to be either. As for the Yes book- I have never heard of the author and would love a chance to read her. Thanks!
I would love to win a copy of THE SACRED YES, as I could stand to break free of the remnants of legalism in my life (leftover from my growing up years). I am very passionate about freedom, and when I came across this title, I knew it was one I need to read!
Thanks, Margaret!
I would love to win a copy of “You’re Loved No Matter What” because I have struggled my whole life with trying to please parents and subsequently people. I have really felt convicted the last year or so to focus on, and fill myself with, who God says I am. Just the title of this book speaks to my heart. I can’t help but wonder if the rest of the book would too. Thank you!
I would love a copy of You’re Loved No Matter What because this has been a lifelong struggle for me. Even after walking with Jesus now for nearly 40 years, accepting grace instead of my constantly-failing performance still slips through my fingers. As soon as I read the title I felt the only thing missing was my name at the end..as if it was Jesus whisper in my ear.
Thanks for the opportunity!
I would love a copy of The Beauty of Grace. As I approach 70 years of age, I have lost several friends along the way. It seems easier to drift into isolation rather than to create new connections. This book seems like it would be one from which I could draw encouragement; in addition, as a counselor I pass on much of what I read to others. Also, the description of the book indicates that I could be introduced to some new and great authors!
The “Beauty of Grace” seems to be a path through the woods of distraction to a quiet lake of God’s peace! I am trying to learn that having an avalanche of uncertainty in my life is God’s way of telling me to trust Him. And that I do not get to know all the answers before my world unfolds. He has finally allowed so many uncertainties that I cannot worry about all of them at once! I was contemplating a schedule where I could program certain worries for Monday, certain for Tuesday, etc.! Instead I am struggling to learn the real meaning of faith. This book seems to address that…and more.
I’d like to receive Beauty of Grace because I think I could learn and be encouraged by it.
As a wife and full-time youth/outreach pastor it’s been a hard reality to swallow that I can’t say yes to everything. The reality I’m trying to embrace is that I desperately need to allow the Holy Spirit to give me discernment about what to say yes to and what to say no to. So “Your Sacred Yes” would be an awesome help with this and hopefully would be something I could pass on to the TONS of other women I know who struggle with this.
I would love to have a copy of any of these books. I am a self professed bookworm! The Beauty of His Grace sounds thought provoking. You’re Loved No Matter What sounds encouraging. Your Sacred Yes has me curious.
I’ll take any of the 3, they all sound wonderful. I am a new Site Coordinator for Christian Women’s Job Corps … these ladies come hurting and raw, in a perfect place to hear the Good News! Any of these 3 would be perfect to share with them. Thank you and God bless you, Margaret!
I would love any of these books. I recently saw Margaret. Feinberg at the Women of Joy conference In Tennessee and it has made me so hungry for learning more about God’s word. I am constantly looking for information to grow spspiritually.
I’d love love LOVE a copy of The Beauty of Grace! I feel so easily overwhelmed in the world of impactful Christian women writers and that there are so many books to read I don’t even know where to begin! The Beauty of Grace would be a great place to meet some new writers and their stories without feeling like I need an $100 spree at Mardel to load up on all of their books only to be too bogged down to even read them!
Your Sacred Yes. I have obligated myself half to death my whole life. Due to a grave error in judgment, I will be spending the next few years in a federal prison camp. As ridiculous as it sounds, it will almost be a vacation compared to what my life has been for the past 55 years. That is what cued me in to what I have been doing, making obligations that brought me nothing but weariness when it was all said and done.
I’d love to win them all! I read You’re Loved and would love to share it with everyone I know. The Sacred Yes would be amazing to win too. I would love to live my life more freely and less out of obligation!
I’d love to read this book! We have 5 children and it is sometimes a struggle to decide what things to let go and what to not. I know we can’t please everyone with every decision and it’s tough! The loss of our daughter over 2 years ago had lead me to much evaluating of priorities, including worrying about what others think and how they view me and us as a family. Thanks for the chance to win this book!
I’d love a copy of the Beauty of Grace because these are many of my favorite writers compiled into one. What a treasure!
All 3 of them caught my attention as they cover areas that I have struggled with off and on throughout my life. I would be ecstatic to receive any of them… and would then probably go buy the other 2! I love your blog!
Ah, these really are some great books! Read and loved both Dawn and Holley’s book, and “Your Sacred Yes” sounds like a good fit for me. There are infinite worthwhile causes to devote my time to, but time is finite so learning how to hone into where God can best use my gifts and the pace at which I am best suited would be ever so helpful. Thanks.
I would love to win any of these–but The Beauty of Grace and You’re Loved No Matter What in particular, as I am going through the toughest year I have ever had and am feeling very IMperfect and not particularly deserving of God’s grace. To be uplifted at this time would be a true blessing.
I hope I not being selfish but I would love all 3. I deal with feeling unloved more than not which is driven by need to be perfect, I would love the joy and freedom which comes from not striving to be perfect. To have stories of grace for encouragement in the journey … well, let’s just say, that would round it out. 🙂
Thanks for offering 3 wonderful books for free. You are such a generous gal. Glad to know you even if only by cyber-communication for now.
id like Gracw, as I’ve been trying to understand the difference between grace and mercy.
As leader of our Women’s Ministry I am trying to find new bible studies for our ladies to had. My goal this summer is to do as many studies as possible in hopes that we can introduce new authors. As I do a study, I pass it on to bible study leaders so they can evaluate them. I truly want you to give the new copies to other ladies who wouldn’t be able to purchase them, as I will go ahead an purchase the books. Am so encouraged with this opportunity to have several different authors available at one place.
All books look great and am at a loss for words so I appreciate this chance
Hi, I would appreciate any book as the topic and subject look so good. There is always room for improvement and ability to learn what “our God has to teach me”. Thank you for considering us.
blessings Joyce
“Your Sacred Yes” would be wonderful for me. I tend to say YES to everything. Longing for Freedom Passion and Joy!
I would really appreciate a copy of The Beauty of Grace. We are really struggling with our teenage son who is having anger and violence problems. It is difficult to give Grace to him when I am emotionally drained and discouraged. Any support or encouragement may give me the strength to give him Grace….which we all deserve and should model. Thank you!
I have had a hard time getting to comments, but so glad I could today! I would love the book the beauty of Grace, as so many of the writers are ones I enjoy through other formats. I have a limited book budget so would be blessed to receive it free. Thank you for the offer!
As a recovering perfectionist, who is trying to raise daughters to be free of perfectionism, ‘You’re Loved No Matter What’ and ‘Your Sacred Yes’ sound like really helpful tools to have in our arsenal. Thanks for your generosity!
All three books look wonderful! I am putting together a stack of books for this summer’s reading and I would love to read all three!
Would love to win a copy of Your Sacred Yes….desperate for freedom,passion and joy in my life these days.
The Beauty of Grace sounds like uplifting summer reading! (Uplifting anytime, but something I’d love to dive into this summer.) 🙂
I have a close friend who is taking Restoration Classes because she fell away from her religeous beliefs that had eventually pushed her into dispair. I am her Prayer Angel, to follow her through to Baptism. I feel these books would fill her with peace and love, knowing she is special to Our Lord and his Glory and to Christ Jesus who will lover her ferociously.
All of these books apply to me and would help me. I just had back surgery and could use some reading material to reenforce my faith and become closer to my Lord and Savior. Thank you for offering us free books.
I am a Mentor Mom to a group of Mother of Preschoolers. As I get to know them and learn where they are in their walks – I find myself always on the lookout for words of wisdom to share and encourage them; nuggets of gold about God’s love, grace, strength and guidance in their lives as young mothers. Plus, I know that I would benefit as well I as read and study. A win-wins situation for everyone! So ANY of the 3 books would be a fabulous addition to my library!
I would love to read The Beauty of Grace. I think it would have some things with which I would connect. Free would be nice. Thanks for offering these, Margaret! 🙂
I am a recovering perfectionist and that is why You Are So Loved speaks to me.
I would like the book You’re Loved No Matter What because I have doubts about God’s love for me when I don’t act right.
I would love a copy of Your Sacred Yes. I love listening to Susie on her show Live the Promise and find her to be so encouraging. I know this book would help me learn to use my time and energy toward projects that build God’s kingdom while deepening my relationship with God.
You’re Loved No Matter What would be great to read as I deal with my own self-esteem issues and I write for young adults with insecurity issues as well. I’ve begun to learn so much from Christian books that goes into my stories to help young girls deal with self-esteem issues.
I need to learn to see joy and accept love. I need freedom and renewal.
Would love to try these novels.
I would love to win one of these books, I sometimes struggle with my faith because of chronic health issues. I always search for new ways of understanding Gods word.
I would love to have a copy of the book You’re Loved No Matter What. The past six months of my life have been filled with turmoil and lots of talks with God. Sometimes I question if God hears my prayers. My brother took his life on 12-5-14 and I just can’t get over it. I feel like the words in this book might help me restore my faith in God and know that there is a plan.
I would love to have a copy of “You are loved no matter what.” I am literally sitting at Starbucks wrestling with the Lord about my perfectionism…a weight that is draining the life from me.
I just finished medical school during which I have fought cancer twice (during this time, a sweet friend wrote me a letter that simply said “you are loved” over and over again) I was originally given a “death sentence” approximately 6 months ago, but a week ago I received a report that revealed “no evidence of disease.” Hallelujah, right!?!? I am overjoyed, but in my heart and head I am struggling with being enough, being worthy. Why did the Lord spare me and yet some of my dearest friends have lost their battle. How am I going to make my life count!?!
I love books! I would love to win the book The Beauty of Grace! Grace has always been a word that means a lot to me. It amazes me when I think about God’s grace! I heard someone describe grace as not only NOT getting the punishment you deserve BuT ALSO getting a blessing!! That just blows my mind! God has shown me much grace in my life and has recently convicted me that I need to show grace like He does.
Thank you for all you do to inspire us Margaret!
You’re loved no matter what — been trying to break free from perfectionist ways my whole life!!! I’m now seeing what it’s cost me and don’t want my kids to learn this from me! Plus, it’s draining me and preventing me from taking care of myself how I should.
All of them sound like great books! However, the last one The Sacred Yes, especially intrigues me. God has grown me in this area, yet continues to show me areas for improvement and continued growth.
Reading now – too many books, but hears a list of a few on my bookshelf with current bookmarks: Walking with God through Pain and Suffering by Timothy Keller; Grace Revealed by Jerry Sittser and Cleaning House by Kay Wills Wyma.
“The Beauty of Grace”, “You’re Loved No Matter What” and “Your Sacred Yes” all sound like wonderful and grace-full books that I have not had the pleasure to read yet. I would love to read these and or give them to my friends in need when I am through. Sometimes blessings come in sharing with others! Elizabeth
This book looks beautiful. I could use a little calm amidst the chaos!! Thanks for the opportunity!!
I would love to read any of these books. The Beauty of Grace sounds very inspiring and I love many of the writers. I would turn to this book to bring calm when I’m feeling anxious and stressed.
I would love any of these books. I have a member of our extended family who is in the fight of her life with stage 4 ovarian cancer. She could use some of these books to realize that she is a Child of God and that He really is holding her in the Palm of His Hand. I’m hoping and praying that now that she has moved back closer to her sister I will have an opportunity to minister to her with His Word, if not by word, then by action. These books can help me do that. Thank you so much. I look forward to both your writings and Holly Gerth’s writings in my Inbox!
I would love any of these books, I love filling my brain with books that will bring me closer in my relationship with God.
The free books I would really like is from you. I never heard of any of these offers. My life is turned upside down and trying to look at God right side up but difficult to do when your upside down. I know God loves me and I know I am not perfect only God is. Honestly, struggling to be good and cross my t’s and don’t my i’s is a daily struggle. I have highly performance anxiety and want relief. Any help would be appreciated. I am on a tight budget but if I could choose I would choose the love book by Holly. Thank you Margaret for your giving spirit and williness to help others. Thank you!
My mom used to tell me I was a birth control defect. I never felt love until I started church and began to hear the message of Jesus in my late 20s. I was so desperate to feel love but I always wondered if when I stumbled or did wrong did God still love me. I know the Lord loves me but I would love the book “God loves you no matter what” because it is my greatest struggle sometimes. Thank you so much for being such a blessing to others.
Would love any of the three for my daughter’s spiritual growth and/or mine sliritual growth. We love to read! We love God! Thank you!
I would any of the books. Especially “You are Loved No Matter What” and “the Beauty of Grace” because my daughter and had the same breast cancer surgery within about 16 months. She continues to struggle in her faith. I will continue to encourage. That I may leave a legacy as I teach her and my grandchildren to read and read some more. Especially books that nurture the inner being. These books would fulfill the casting call to all my babies, “it’s important to read good books.”
This is an easy pick for me 🙂 I read two, have not read one. I read your book Fight For Joy reently & loved it. So if you are making recommendations, I figure I need to read them. So I would like to read “Your Sacred Yes”. I recently said “no” to something as I felt the Lord saying to concentrate on what I had already committed. It was a hard no for me & then I received criticism. I want to learn how to say no without feeling the guilt. Thank you for the opportunity!
The Beauty of Grace sounds like just what the doctor, the Great Physician perhaps, ordered. For the last several years, I’ve battled off and on with anxiety, more on of late. With the Lord’s help, I
believe I need to immerse myself in His Word, His truth. Thank you Margaret for your sharing of your journey of Fighting Back With Joy. God is certainly using you as a great encouragement to me and certainly many others.
I would love to have the book “The Beauty of Grace”. My daughter-in-law decided after ten years of marriage and three boys that she didn’t want to be married. I am trying to help him by caring for the boys and his home while he works two jobs to “make ends meet” and finds time to do things with the boys.
I would love to read “The Sacred Yes.” Serving in full-time ministry sometimes feels overwhelming. I would love to read thus and have my thoughts directed to God’s best for me at this stage of my life.
Right now I’m reading Debbie Alsforf’s “A Different Kinf of Wild.” It’s a great reminder to focus on Christ daily in our attitudes and actions.
Wow, what great books! I would love to win all 3. I especially like Holly Gerth’s passionate writing.
My husband is unemployed and any spiritual encouragement helps so much!
Thank you and God Bless!
I would love to have a copy of “The Beauty of Grace.” It contains contributions by several of my favorite authors/speakers. They are women who consistently inspire & challenge me to be the woman of God that He created me to be by leading me through the Scriptures.
I’ve been wanting to get a copy of this book ever since I heard the different writers in this… now I have been introduced to more of these writers, I would love to own a copy. 🙂
I am such a people pleaser. Trying so hard to learn that no is a complete sentence. Choosing to say yes to the truly important.
All three books look great to me! I’ll add them to my summer reading list. I’m specially more interest in “You Are Loved No Matter What”. One of the flaws of this mom is “perfectionism” and it’s not the legacy I want for my kids.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to win any of these great books!
May all God’s blessings be yours.
Alana Morgan
I’d love to win a copy of Your Sacred Yes 😉 Be blessed!
All of these sound wonderful! I’m always looking for ways to grow and bring glory to God. Thank you for this opportunity and the blessing your blog is in my life!! May you be blessed abundantly.
I would love to win a copy because it’s hard to say No to many tasks. I hope to grab keys that can help me make decisions.
Any of these books would be awesome to read and share with others…… Thank you so much for sharing with us so that we might have a chance to win!
I would be happy with any one of those books. IF you recommend them, they must be good!!
I’d love to read Your Sacred Yes-life can be so overwhelming and we need to refocus.
I’d like “The Beauty of Grace”! Last year, my two words for the year were Grace and Surrender. I’m still learning, even as I walk through a very dark valley of divorce.
A free book is a pleasure that cannot be equaled. A free book with an amazing message, well that is the best of all.
I’d love to win a copy of You’re Loved No Matter What because I’ve struggled with insecurity for a majority of my life. I’ve felt disconnected and unwanted from social groups, which has made me question, “What’s wrong with me?” I’ve tried to mold myself into the person I feel would be most accepted, or considered to be the perfect fit, in order to gain connections. Only recently am I starting to try and shift this perception and be comfortable with the fact that there is no such thing as perfection.
I’d also enjoy winning a copy of Your Sacred Yes because I am dealing with setting boundaries in my personal life with relationships, family, friends, scheduling, volunteering, and work-related situations. Tied into my previous comment about insecurity and the need to “please” people, I’ve had a hard time saying, “no” for fear it would put me in people’s disfavor. I need help learning how to set healthy boundaries in my life so I can be the most productive and effective Christian I can be.
“Freeing your heart from the need to be perfect” — oh my, who WOULDN’T need to read this these days! As a wife, writer, and young professional, I’ve found myself stressed to my very bones with the need to do everything right and keep everyone happy over the past couple of years. Adulthood, while beautiful, is also a great undertaking, greater than any of us could prepare for. As I try to find my way, I desperately need my heart to be free from the need for perfection. To find contentment in Jesus himself — not in what we do, who we know, how much we make, or what we have — surely must be the sweetest way to live, and I want to get back to Him again! <3 Thank you for your generosity in this. Whoever receives this will be blessed, and I can't wait to read it one way or another!
I would love to win Sacred Yes because saying no is hard
I would love to win Love you no matter what to share with a friend who has special needs and when she is caught in a lie she doubts her faith and thinks we all will not be her friend
The Beauty of Grace sounds like a great book. I love short stories kind of books. I will probably buy if I do not win
I would love to receive any free books. I am involved with a christian based home for women who are coming out of prison or county jails. We are solely operated by donations, for us to teach bible study it is hard as money isnt provided for us to teach from books and or study guides. Anything that could be donated to me for that purpose would be a tremendous help. We love Jesus and feel he is guiding us to minister in this home. We know God will provide but I had to also ask for a donation from your ministry.
Thank you
charlotte smith
I would love to win ANY of these three, but your description of You’re Loved No Matter What really resonated with me. As a woman who has been struggling with perfectionism (and feeling like a major failure) especially since I’ve gotten married (3 years ago), it sounds like a really encouraging read. Thanks for the chance!
I’d like to read You’re Loved No Matter What. Freeing Your Heart from the Need to Be Perfect because I have problems with condemning myself when I don’t meet my expectations of what I can get done or I fail in the execution of tasks.
Yes, beautiful books, love to read any of them
I would love to read these books. Then I would pass them on to our church library. I am the coordinator of the library, and I know that others in my church would love to read them too.
You’re Loved no matter what!– a Free book would be amazing. I am learning that no matter what, not matter if and when I fall short that Christ is 100% enamored by me. A lesson in the making. I do struggle to believe that beautiful truth.
Stories of God’s love being recognized in and through people’s lives is a topic I never get tired of reading about whether I am on a mountain top or in a valley. Would love a copy of “The Beauty of God’s Grace” if you have an extra laying around and can’t figure out what to do with it. Blessings to you and all the writers!!!!
I really would love to win the book about Grace. I need all the encouragement I can get.
This week, at the age of 50, I was diagnosed with ADHD. It became clear to me why I had a hard time saying no. It was more than fear of disappointing others or the idea I was being lazy. I discovered my need to please and my temperament worked together to create the spinning plates syndrome of my life. That said, I Really need to know how to prioritize and say no without the guilt. I need decompression time and I need to learn that saying no is saying yes to me.
I would really love a copy of You’re Loved No Matter What to give to my daughter who is 28 years old. She has yearning desire to be married and have a family but she desires to wait until God sends her the mate that he wants for her. She was hurt by a guy that she really loved and thought that one day they would marry but he was unfaithful and it shattered her heart; it was her 1st real relationship. It took her a long time to get over him and she’s still not completely over him but with time she’s getting better but hasn’t dated since. She struggles with thoughts of Am I good enough, Will any guy ever love me for me? I want her to know that she’s loved no matter what and that God’s love is the ultimate love. I want her to really grasp hold of the Love that God has for her so that she can began to know her worth and her identity in Christ. I think this book will really minister to her in a miraculous way!