This Lent thousands of you joined me in reading the Bible through in 40-days. It was fast and furious. But now it’s time to slow down and dive in deep.
Ready to go on another wild Biblical adventure?
We’re planning to dive into the Gospel of John and the book of Genesis over twelve weeks this summer.
Starting June 3, we will study the Gospel of John using the accompanying DVD Bible Study: Pursuing God’s Beauty: Stories from the Gospel of John.
Starting July 22, we will study the Book of Genesis, using the accompanying DVD Bible study: Pursuing God’s Love: Stories from the Book of Genesis.
We want to make this as affordable as possible for you. That’s why we’re offering a Summer Bible Study Special—the DVDs and Participant Guide Workbooks for BOTH Pursuing God’s Beauty and Pursuing God’s Love for only $40.00 (regularly $73.96). Click here to purchase your Summer Bible Study Special today.
Each week, you’ll be invited to read a handful of chapters from the Bible, watch a session from the accompanying Pursuing God DVD (14-20 min each), interact with five days of homework (approx. 25 per day), listen in each Thursday with an interview on Midday Connection. For my fellow blogging friends, each Thursday you can link up your posts as you share what God’s teaching you through His Word.
What are you waiting for? Let’s go on an adventure through God’s Word yet again. Invite your neighbors, co-workers, small group, Sunday school class, long-distance BFF, and more to walk alongside you, pray for you, and fall more in love with God’s Word together. [Tweet this]
To join us for the Pursuing God Summer Bible Study, you’ll need the following:
- A copy of Bible in your favorite translation (or just the app on your phone)
- The Summer Bible Study Special: DVDs and Workbooks for BOTH Pursuing God’s Beauty and Pursuing God’s Love (Click here to purchase)
- A expectant heart to the ways God wants to reveal Himself to you this Summer
- Between 20-30 minutes of time carved out each day to dive into God’s Word and the workbook homework
- Subscribe to the free RSS feed at so you don’t miss a beat.
The two DVD studies are:
- Pursuing God’s Beauty: Stories from the Gospel of John 6-Session DVD Study (launching on June 3rd)
- 2. Pursuing God’s Love: Stories from the Book of Genesis 6-Session DVD Study (launching on July 21st)
My prayer is that God will wow us with Himself, reveal new facets of His character even in familiar stories, and in a word, passage, or story, we’ll be wonderstruck by Scripture once again. [Tweet this]
Will you be joining us for the Summer Bible Study adventure beginning on June 3rd? [Tweet this] Post a comment below with your favorite verse from John or Genesis.
Want to catch up on the online #SummerBibleStudy at Here are the links to the Pursuing God’s Beauty: Stories from the Gospel of John Online Bible Study Posts:
Session Three: MONDAY | THURSDAY
Here are the links to the Pursuing God’s Love: Stories from the Book of Genesis Online Bible Study Posts:
I’ll start us out– my favorite verse in John is John 1:1: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John’s cosmic poetry in chapter one is breathtaking!
What’s your favorite verse or passage in John or Genesis?
John 15:5 I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in them bears much fruit. Apart from me you can do nothing.
But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. John 14:26
God Almighty bless you and make you fruitful and multiply you, that you may become a company of peoples. Genesis 28.3
Zaida, love both of those!
This study looks great!! Looking forward to being a part of it if I can. Can you please pray my husband has injured his back lower lumbar area out of work this week and next.
Our older cat Max may have to be put down tomorrow due to Pancreatitis, the neglect of the first vet I took him to said it was his liver when in it was his pancreas…now he is jaundice and not eating his liver has turned fatty.
A lot going on, staying faithful, I know GOD is in the storm with me!!!
So sorry about Max. Praying for you and your husband.
Tina, praying for strength, healing, and God’s comfort for you!
This looks great. My friend and I will be joining you via Skype…..I live in IN. and she lives in MO. We are doing Wonderstuck this way, and love your study. Being that far away from your BF is so hard, but at least we can see each other. How is your wonder dog? My wonder dog just turned 13, she is a poodle..Onyx Marie.
Have a blessed weekend. Thanks for all you do.
Love that you are doing this with your friend via Skype, Sue! What a great idea.
Sorry Miss Feinberg my favorite verse is John 1:29 The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said ” The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” WOW! WONDERSTUCK.
Great verse choice, Sue!
I am in!
Sandra, woohoo!
Margaret – This sounds fabulous and a great adaptable of studying the Bible with other women around the world! Bye bye excuses, hello studying God’s word in a group setting! I have read the details and there is one piece I need more detail on. When is the Thursday interview available? Do we listen live?
Excited learn more!
Marcy, the interview will be available at 12PM central time on Thursdays. You can listen live via Midday Connection’s website or subscribe to their iTunes podcast and listen at your convenience.
That’s so cool!
Dear Margaret…. this summer Bible study on the Genesis and the Gospel of John sounds absolutely fabulous!! I am so excited to be joining you for these Bible studies. I just ordered my Bible study materials and look forward to receiving that. I will be doing these Bible studies in the memory of my dad, who passed away on Jan. 7, 2013. My favorite verse from John was read at my dad’s funeral at my request because my dad told me on his death bed he was ready to go to Jesus, and so we all gathered around his bed in the hospital holding hands while I prayed. “Do not let your hearts be troubled, trust in God; trust also in Me. In My Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with Me that you also may be where I am.” John 14:1-3. Well, that was more than one verse. These verses have given me much comfort in letting my dad go so He could be with his Heavenly Father.
P.S. We are absolutely loving your Wonderstruck Bible Study at the Women’s Bible Café. We are on Week 2, and this has become one of my favorite Bible studies thus far. I am reading your book along with the Bible study and it is fabulous!! You paint such wonderful word pictures!! It’s amazing when we take the time to look around, that we can be “wonderstruck” right where we are.
Sheree, I am so thrilled you are joining us! What a beautiful prayer you read for your father’s funeral.
A thief comes only to steal and to kill and to dstroy. I have come that they may have life and have it in abundance. John 10:10
Just ordered the materials for the summer… and looking forward to it!
Love those verses, Bob!
I can’t wait to dive deeper. You know where I’ve been. The Holy Spirit used your words in Birmingham; they broke me, right where I needed breaking.
How to pick a verse from either of these books?
I think John 8:31-32: Jesus said to the people who believed in him, “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
Truth means a lot to me in this season of my life.
(And of course, we realize that Truth is a Person from John 14:6.)
Faye, beautiful verse choices!
Margaret, I am thoroughly enjoying Wonderstruck! I look forward to a relaxing summer Bible study with you. One of my life verses for my ministry is John 3:30 NIv- He must become greater; I must become less.
If people only see me,then they are not seeing Christ in me. This is my heart’s desire….to reflect Him more and more.
Blessings to you and your team!
Christine Smith
Womens Bible Cafe
I love that verse, Christine!
I would like to join the summer study but its just me how can I do this can I follow the teachings online sandra
Hi Sandra! SO thrilled you are joining us for the Pursuing God Summer Bible Study! Every Monday and Thursday you’ll find a post and discussion on where you can join in!
Click here to receive all posts from in your inbox each morning:
Hi Margaret
Great idea. I’m going to hook up for the Genesis study as I’ve recently studied John.
My local retailer down under has both the DVD & workbook so I’m able to grab them locally.
Can’t wait to share the stories of Genesis with you all.
Ian, wooho! So thrilled you are joining us!
So Jesus says to them, “My time is not yet here, but your time is always opportune.” – John 7:6
But Joseph said to them, “Do not be afraid, for am I in God’s place?” “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.” – Genesis 50:20-21
Kristina, I love both of these!
I don’t know if you are really suppose to have favorite books or not but I have always loved the book of John and I am looking forward to this in depth study. I have ordered the book and DVD. I can’t wait till June 3rd when we get started. God bless you for sharing your talents. I have done two of your studies and I think this one is going to be great.
Linda, I am so thrilled you are joining us for the study! Woohoo!
“He must increase, but I must decrease”. -John 3:30
Love it, Michelle!
Can’t wait! My favorite verse from John is also John 1:1. From Genesis 15:1 “Do not be afraid Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.”
Nesha, I love this. Such an ah-mazing promise!
I’m in! And my favorite verse in John is also John 1:1
In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.
Susan, woohoo!
Margaret, the studies look phenomenal! I am currently doing Wonderstruck with Women’s Bible Cafe and love it! I can’t purchase the studies until May 31st though, I hope that’s ok?
My favorite verse in John is John 14:1 Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. (NIV ’84)
Shan, that is perfectly ok! Always time to catch up! I am so excited you will be joining us for this!
My Dear Margaret,
I’m excited to join the summer study! Reading Wonderstruck this spring was spiritually inspiring, and now I’m in the middle of The Organic God and will complete the book this week. Your books are so refreshing, and they greatly encourage me to grow deeper in faith and to study the Word.
My verse is from John 4:13 – Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”
My prayer is to be so full of God’s love that it spills out and touches others’ lives!
Laurie, woohoo! I am so glad you are joining us. And I am thrilled you enjoyed Wonderstruck!
Hello Margaret!
So happy to be joining you (and the gang) for the next 12 weeks. I’ve never participated in an online bible study so I’m sure to have a lot of fun. My church has been into John for a few weeks and I’ve been lapping up all it’s luscious inspiration. I’ll tell you, I am still finding nuggets of joy (LOVE how God uses His word to grow us!) which of course are being translated into inspiration on the blog.
Recently it was John 6:21 where Jesus walks on water. But John records that once they let Jesus into the boat – they arrived immediately at their destination. When we look to Him first and turn our problems over to Him and trust Him to help – He does – immediately!
My prayer is that we won’t be the ones saying in a tough situation, “The only thing left to do is pray.” That we would have prayed first and the only thing left to do would be to say, “Amen.”
Now, I need to order my package of materials – I’m mighty late!
Felecia, I am thrilled you are joining us for this Summer Study. Praying that God reveals Himself to you during this time.
Hello Margaret
I am not a regular reader of the book of John but now I have changed, will be reading it regularly.
I will be enjoying the South African winter.
God be with you!
Nompi, I am so thrilled to hear you have learned to enjoy the Gospel of John. We would love for you to join us for this study!
Been unsure about committing to this study due to other commitments but today God said “Just do it!”. Looking forward to it as I am just finishing up Wonderstruck. Very excited. God bless your ministry.
Rhonda, WOOHOO! I am so thrilled you will be joining us!
My favorite verse is John 3:16, but I also like John 6:35 where Jesus says, “I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me shall not hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.”
He truly is both the Provider and the Provision. So grateful.
Huge hug to you, sweet Birdie. Thrilled to have you along. 🙂
How did you first encounter Jesus? Let us know, here:
Margaret, I’m finally doing a study with you. Yay! I’m going to do this with my daughters (ages 7&9). I’ll have to adjust it for their ability, but I’m so excited to share it with them. Thanks for pursuing God like you do! It’s an honor and blessing to know you. Favorite verse: The Vine and Branches John 15:9 As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.
Katy, I am beyond excited that your sweet daughters are joining us! Ooh– I can’t wait to hear what sweet insights they have. You must share!
I would love to hear how you first encountered Jesus! Hop over to today’s blog and share!
My favorite verse is: “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).
And I’m very excited about this Bible Study!
I love that, Symone. Amen! He has overcome the world so we can have peace! What a blessing.
So excited you’re along for the ride this summer. Can’t wait to hear how you encountered Jesus in week one. Hop over to today’s blog post and let us know!
Thank you for making the first week of the study guide available as well as the DVD session!!!
I placed my order for the Summer Bible Study Special yesterday. I hope it comes soon!
Hi Shanon! You should have gotten an email from Jessica with a link to the DVD and the first session so you don’t have to fall behind. If not, email her at and she’ll send it to you. I’m so happy you’re joining us!! I can’t wait to see what God reveals to you over the next several weeks and get to “know” you more.
So I ordered the Gospel of John study online….in great fashion I received my envelope from you in just a few days. Problem the package was opened and the contents gone. Someone else needed the study more than I or I need to order another copy????? I have been working from the internet verse of the study….
oh no!!!! Email and she can help you out. I’m so sorry about that!
Hey Margaret,
I am looking for a study for some expat workers at Compassion First to do this summer and upcoming fall. This study looks awesome but we wouldn’t be able to do it as it is scheduled this summer. Do you think this study is worth doing on our own, or is the online portion of it crucial in order to get the most out of it? I just wanted to hear your thoughts on this! Thanks!
Hi Katherine! No worries if you can’t join us during the specific time frame during the summer. The online format really helps for people to have a flexible schedule and meet/do their homework when they can. But lots of people have benefited from using Pursuing God’s Beauty and Pursuing God’s Love through small group or Bible studies. We have also had many people do it on their own.
The posts each week on the online study will remain posted, so if you link to those to your group, they can still read through and comment no matter how many weeks later it is.
I hope that helps!
Signed up but sad to say have only gotten Facebook/statement updates and just found this site 🙁 sad to have missed so far. Hope I can figure out how to better stay connected!! Looking forward!
Hi Amy! If you enter your email address here:
You will be able to receive each day’s post in your inbox so you don’t miss a thing!
Don’t worry about falling behind! That’s the best part about online Bible studies. 🙂