Write Brilliant

5 Temptations to Avoid on Black Friday

My friend, Cherie Lowe, a.k.a. the Queen of Free, delights in sharing her family’s story of paying off over $127k in debt. Through speaking and the written word, more than anything, she longs for people to realize there is HOPE for their finances. Find her online at and mark your calendar to pick up her new book Slaying the Debt Dragon, due to release September 2014. I asked Cherie to pop over to today to share some tips and tricks about Black Friday:

We love the thrill of a great deal. We live for the number circled in red at the bottom of our receipt, declaring to the world just how much we saved.

We celebrate holidays that bring with them sales. Labor Day! Columbus Day! Black Friday!

We can’t wait to tell you just how little we paid when you compliment us on our outfit/home decor/vacation photos. Bargain hunters unite. We are a tribe populated by people of pennies pinched, percentages saved, and presents low in price but high in value.

That being said, as a community of Money Saving Lords and Ladies, we need to be sure to guard our hearts and protect our pocketbooks in the face of temptation. Every sale isn’t for everyone and every deal, no matter how sweet, isn’t always a wise choice for your finances. [Tweet this]

As the deals heat up at the close of the week and continue to spike throughout the Christmas season, here are 5 temptations to avoid when shopping on Black Friday: [Tweet this]
1.   Using Credit Cards. A gift bought with plastic is no gift at all. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that you will pay it all off come January 1. Face it, during December you are more likely to have unexpected expenses than any other month. From gifts for the teacher to a decent dress for the holiday party to cookies for neighbors, there are “extras” that haven’t even crossed your mind yet. Using a credit card with the backup plan that you’ll receive a bonus or gifted money is much too risky.

Want to be a money saving ninja? Don’t even use your debit card and use cash only this holiday season. Cash hems in your budget and keeps you from overspending because when it’s gone, it’s gone. Put the credit cards away and take the Debt Free Christmas Pledge today!

2.   Shopping for Yourself. You work hard. You deserve a little something special during the holiday season. Don’t deceive yourself with these lies. These messages sneak into marketing on a regular basis this time of the year. Whether it’s that wonderful red coffee cup or that awesome *fill in your favorite things* find, avoid buying yourself “presents” on Black Friday. I’m sure someone else will love you enough to give you wonderful gifts (or at least a gift card) on December 25th. Be patient. Delayed gratification is a virtue.


5 Temptations to Avoid on Black Friday

Maybe you will shop this Black Friday. Maybe you won’t. Regardless, these guiding principles help keep our hearts and wallets in check.

I love my tribe of Money Saving Lords and Ladies. Join our motley fray of debt slayers and money savers in the Court of the Queen of Free on FacebookTwitterPinterestG+, and even Instagram. Together we share deals and inspiration to stay true to God’s calling for our finances.


What tips do you have for Black Friday shopping?

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