Write Brilliant
Need a Boost of Joy? Here’s 1 Surefire Trick

Need a Boost of Joy? Here’s 1 Surefire Trick

The calendar flipped to November in a blink. Seven Saturday’s until Christmas. A handful until Thanksgiving. The to-do lists jog onto two, even three pages. Life’s abuzz with the excitement of the holiday season—a season of joy and gratitude and God’s goodness. But in...

What Happens When You Live a Posture of Praise

Let me introduce you to Sarah. Sarah Francis Martin is a wife, mother, mentor, and author of Just RISE UP!: A Call To Make Jesus Famous. She has a passion to ignite this generation to get up off the couch of complacency and do life differently for God’s kingdom. When...

4 Signs You May Be Suffering From Spiritual Decay

Athens in ruins. Such words evoke centuries old images of one of the great cities reduced to rubble. The images of Athens in ruins you’ll see below are startling. Not because their thousands of years old, but demonstrate what can happen in ten short years since the...

This Challenge Will Reset Your Whole Week

Over the years, I’ve discovered that even a brief moment in the presence of God can change everything—my perspective, attitude, and reaction. Being aware of and experiencing God’s presence reminds me of my dependence on God. He is the source of everything—joy,...

Why I Won’t Call Your Friend With Breast Cancer

Over the last year, I’ve received dozens of emails from people asking me to reach out to their friend with breast cancer. Those requests are well meaning and often stem out of a desperate cry of wanting to help but not knowing what to do or what to say. I am so sorry...

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