Write Brilliant

Lesson Two from Why I Gave Up Prayer for Lent

As I shared earlier this month,  I’ve decided to give up prayer for Lent.

Okay, maybe not all prayer, but lengthy prayers in my personal time with God because I realize how mindless, increasingly unspecific, and inattentive in my prayer life.

That’s why I’m giving up prayer for Lent. Or at least long prayers. For the next 40 days, I’m committed to only offering God three word prayers.

Lately I’ve been noticing a dependence on God increasing in my life. The three word prayers are a steady reminder that there is nothing I can do to force God’s hand. I’m utterly dependent on God. As I offer up my humble prayers each syllable reminds me that all I have, all I am, is dependent on God.

Three words.

God, will you hear my three words? God, will you answer my three words? God, will you respond? I wonder.

Any sense of God’s response isn’t based on me, my passion, my desire, my longing. Any sense of God’s response isn’t based on my stringing together of arguments and ideas for why God should or should not do something. (Though I still think “Please Help Japan” and “Stop Nuclear Leak” are not just important prayers but ones I’m hopeful God will answer). Any sense of response isn’t based on my persuasiveness or eloquence. Everything is dependent on God.

And though I feel weak, stripped of persuasiveness, emptied of eloquence, I’m starting to like it here. Dependent on God. More fully. More wholly.

What have you been learning during this season of Lent?


*Photo courtesy of here

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