Write Brilliant

The Beginning of Lent: Why I'm Giving Up Contempt This Year

Dear Friends,

Over the last few years, I’ve fallen in love with Lent. The opportunity to set apart time specifically to seek God for forty days and grow in my relationship with Him in the weeks preceding Easter has become like a balm to my soul-providing healing, comfort, all the while removing places of brokenness and disconnect from God.

One of the ways I’m celebrating Lent this year is by going through the Gospel of John in the 40 days preceding Easter. I’ve invited you to join along as I’ll be posting each week as we go through the Pursuing God’s Beauty: Stories from the Gospel of John 6-week DVD Bible Study.

Spoiler Alert: The sixth lesson ends with the resurrection!

As I’ve prayerfully considered what I want God to do in my own heart over the upcoming weeks, I’ve circled around one word: contempt. If I’m truly honest with you, this word has been nestled in the back of my mind as something to give up for Lent since last year. At the time, I just wasn’t courageous enough to give it up. So I gave up prayer instead-which led to a profound spiritual transformation in my own life-but you’ll have to wait for the next book to read more about that (sorry).

I’m just in the beginning stages of figuring out what it means to give up contempt. I’ve started with the basics, namely, figuring out what contempt means. defines contempt as: The feeling with which a person regards anything considered mean, vile, or worthless; disdain; scorn.

Contempt is also the state of being despised, dishonored, or disgraced.

One of the most common understandings of contempt is found in the court of law whenever someone shows disrespect for the judge or rules of the court aka “in contempt of court”.

In my own life, I’m praying and asking God to show me all the places-big and small, mountainous and crevice-some where contempt bulges and hides below the surfaces. I’m also asking God to reveal the differences between contempt and concern and contempt and discernment. To be honest, I’m a bit afraid for all the Holy Spirit will reveal when we faithfully ask Him. But I’m also wildly expectant for the goodness and love of God to infuse my heart in greater measure.

I plan to keep you updated each week throughout Lent as to what spiritual rumblings take place. And I pray for God’s grace as you begin your own Lenten journey.

Much love,


*Photo courtesy of here

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