Write Brilliant

Recently, Leif and I volunteered to serve and encourage pastors in New England. It’s an annual activity that we love. Pastors and their spouses are heroes! One particular story that took my breath away.

One of the pastors’ wives shared that she’d been opening her life to the power and work of the Holy Spirit. Asking God to use and lead her.

On the way to a church event at a local restaurant, she was behind a stack of cars and a snowplow. She felt the God-nudge to pull off on a side road and take the slower, back way to the restaurant. 

Her husband asked, “What are you doing?”

“I just feel like we need to do go this way,” she said. “Even though it makes no sense.” 

Shortly after they arrived back on the main road, they saw a woman running down the road. They weren’t sure why she was running or if she was running from something. But they likely wouldn’t have seen her if they were still following close behind the snow plow.

Though the couple didn’t normally pick up strangers on the side of the road, they felt led to pull over. The woman jumped in the car.

The couple asked her if she needed food or how they could help.

It turns out the woman worked in the sex industry and had been running for 10 miles in the snow to escape her handlers.

The couple invited her to go the church gathering at the restaurant with them. On the drive, the woman made the decision to become a follower of Jesus.

Though that Spirit-filled encounter was not the end of that woman’s story, it was a life-changing step on her journey that the couple was able to be a part of because of the pastor’s wife’s obedience to the Spirit.

All those little prompts of the Holy Spirit, all those little God-nudges matter.

Sometimes it’s a nudge to take a different path to where you’re going. Sometimes it’s including someone in a meal. Sometimes it’s asking, “What do you need?” and “How can we help?”

All of those moments matter.

My prayer for you this week is that you respond quickly to those God-nudges. There’s no telling what God might do through your simple acts of obedience.

Don’t miss the nudges to invite neighbors and strangers to your Bible studies! Who knows what God just might do :).

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