What do you long for in 2024?
My 2023 had more than its fair share of challenges–especially when it came to staying healthy! I’ve just strung together over 80 days of health, and I’m so thankful. I’m cheering all you on who are battling for wellness.
Now a flip of the calendar isn’t a magic wand, but it provides time to reset, to refocus, to prayerfully reflect and recenter on Christ.
Last year, my word was “family” and the sweet fruit of that focus, the time with our niece and nephews, parents, and extended family, delivered such joy.
This year, my word is “clean” based on Psalm 51:10:
“Create in me a clean heart, God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”
What do you sense the Holy Spirit nudging you toward this year?
Maybe you prefer to make New Year’s resolutions, and that’s great. I’m a wee bit worn down from one more thing to do. So for me, choosing a word gives space for the Holy Spirit to echo and work throughout the year.
If you’d like to reflect on your one word, I’ve included a free download to help. Share it with your small group, friends, and coworkers. And know that you’re loved and prayed for today.
I’d love to hear your word for 2024. Please leave a comment–I want to read every one.