Write Brilliant

Sunday kicked off Advent 2022. I want to know how you are preparing your heart and mind in this sacred season of waiting for Christ’s birth.


This year, I sense the Spirit whispering that God wants to meet many of us in The Undoing.


What do I mean?


Think back. Many of those on the precipice of Jesus’ arrival were living in a time when the world, the nation, their very lives were undone. The life they knew, the systems they lived by, had all been flipped upside down.


+A tweener mysteriously impregnated.

+A man who never slept with his bride turned father.

+A smattering of female and child shepherds now the first notified of a birth and instructed to go to an unknown address.

+A trio of foreigners, known as magi, bowing to a baby and giving their best.


The lives they once knew had been turned upside down, undone by the arrival of Jesus.


Maybe God wants to meet us, too, in The Undoing


The undoing of traditions that have become stale, the expectations that have become too heavy, the actions that are more driven by guilt than compassion, the busyness that tries to swallow us whole.


This Advent, what if Jesus wants to meet you not so much in what you always do this time of year, but in what you leave undone, and creating space for Him to undo things in you?


What if God wants to meet you in the recesses, the gaps, the pauses, the sacred echoes, the holy nudges, the gentle leadings of the Spirit?


What if God wants to meet you in the surprise twists and turns of a schedule, a plan turned upside down?


May we find ourselves undone in all the beautiful, unexpected ways this holiday season.


I love you.


P.S. I’d love to hear–how are you preparing your hearts and minds in this season of waiting?

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