The story of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch is the jaw-dropping account of the Holy Spirit sending someone into mission impossible.
Go to this thoroughfare.
Find this particular chariot.
And lurk.
Despite the bizarre instructions, Philip does everything he’s told, as if he’s a MI5 agent (Acts 8).
He hears a foreigner in the chariot reading from Isaiah, a text regarding sheep and the long-awaited Messiah.
“Do you understand what you’re reading?” Philip asks.
“How can I unless someone explains it to me?” the eunuch responds.
Soon they’re squished in a vehicle traveling side by side on bumpy roads.
Philip can’t stop talking about the stunning details of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. The Ethiopian hangs on every word. He gets so excited, he instructs the driver to pull over and begs to get baptized!
This beautiful story stuck with me like a drippy popsicle on a summer’s day, because that’s what’s needed so much right now.
Everywhere around you are people who need to discover the good news, to see the embodiment of Christ, to dive into the wonders of Scripture.
So many of you have told me how people in your community groups or Bible studies have come to know Jesus, begged to get baptized, experienced deep healing, and fallen in love with Jesus more, simply from squishing together around a table and diving into scripture.
It doesn’t matter whose or what Bible study you use, we all have the opportunity to be part of God’s answer to the question:
“How can I unless someone explains it to me?”
Be that person this year.
Thank you for all you do to embody Christ and introduce people to the incredible riches of Scripture. We’re grateful for you!!
P.S. Send this post to small group and church leaders, friends, and neighbors, and your pet. (Okay, maybe not your pet, unless your pet is skilled on a computer)