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What would happen if you prayed, “Holy Spirit, I want ALL of you”? Jack was a professor at Dallas Seminar who realized that some of his cherished arguments against miraculous gifts were based more on prejudice and a lack of personal experience than on the Bible. So he took a fresh look at the Scriptures, and invited the Holy Spirit into his life anew—just like we’re doing—and everything changed.
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“What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do” Greeting Cards
You Are Braver Than You Think
When People Say Impossible
You Are Prayed For
Taste and See:
Discovering God Among Butchers, Bakers and Fresh Food Makers Bible Study
Why I am Still Surprised by the Power of the Spirit: Discovering How God Speaks and Heals Today
I love your joy cast. I’m totally in love with your posts guys. I really enjoyed listening on your joy cast while I’m staying at home. Thank you very much! God bless us all!
Quite an amazing story! Wow! Hope for the seemingly hopeless!!