Write Brilliant


It’s time to check off Week Two of reading for the 40-Day Bible Challenge. Whether you’re reading the entire Bible or listening to an audiobible (free copies here!) during Lent, we’re excited you’re joining in. We never expected nearly 2000 people to download the free 40-Day Reading Guide in the first 24 hours. You can grab your copy by clicking here.

Reading the Bible in 40 days provides a wildly different perspective than a slow read. [Tweet this] I must confess:

Some days I fall behind.

Some days my eyes glaze over.

Some days I wonder, “What did I just read?”

Some days I think, “I haven’t heard that story in eons.”

Some days I can’t shake the images, words, stories, and language.

To continue reading, pick up a copy of Flourish: Live Loved, Live Fearless, Live Free, a 52-week devotional with coloring pages sprinkled throughout.

Flourish Devo

What would a flourishing life look like for you? Take a moment and imagine…

Instead of surviving your days, you savor each moment. You pour into the lives of others, and it’s a joy, not a chore. And every hour, you are deeply, dazzling aware of God’s love and presence.

God intends this flourishing life for you. And it can start today.

Grab a copy today.

Submit your name and email below to receive your free download on how to hang on when you are at the end of your rope. 

Check your inbox for your download now.