When I wrote Fight Back With Joy, I honestly thought it might be my last book. So it’s with great celebration, a 10-second dance party, and some serious woot woot, that I get to announce to the world the launch of Taste and See: Discovering God Among Butchers, Bakers, Fresh Food Makers, releasing January 22.
Over the last year, I’ve poured my heart, soul, and countless hours into handcrafting a book that would help you savor life, nourish relationships, and live wonderstruck at God and Scripture.
The launch team application has closed. Thank you for all your love and support!
I’m excited to think that I might be allowed to join this launch team!
Wahoo!! We are so excited to have you!
I have waited a LONG time for this book! To help launch it and send it out on the waters (like the bread in Ecclesiastes) will be an honor and a blessing. May the Spirit carry and ripple this work far beyond what has been hoped or imagined. May the Father multiply its message as he did the little boy’s loaves.
Beautiful! May it be. Hugs!
Could I really be a part of this? Amazing!
Absolutely!! Love the excitement!!
Wahoo! I pre-ordered my kindle as soon as you posted Margaret! Back in September. Can’t wait to read this I just know it will be a tasty gem
Yesssss! Thank you, Sharon! Hugs!
How do we let you know we’ve pre-ordered?
Can’t wait!!!
You could make a comment on the Launch Team Form! I can’t wait, either!!
Have been eager to see how the Lord would lead you and what book might be next! I have been enriched by each of your books (most especially Sacred Echo and Scouting the Divine). I can’t wait to see what the Lord has shared with you in this new book. You have blessed me many times over by your words, life, witness, and mentoring of writers like me. Have applied for the launch team and pre-ordered the book.❤️
Yay! Grateful to have you join us, Pam!
So excited for this next book. Scouting the Divine is one of my favorites and I am so looking forward to learning and exploring more of God’s word in such real and tangible way. I have pre-ordered the book and filled out the launch team application. Praying that God blesses the guides this new adventure.
So excited!! Thank you for joining my team, Kristie!