Bright lights. Crowded stores. Traffic jams.
Over the upcoming weeks, you’ll find moments of joy and delight, but also sparks of stress and frustration. In all the doing and going, the lists to fulfill, the chores that must be done, the projects that can’t wait any longer, it’s easy to develop a stink eye.
-Toward the checkout person moving at a snail’s pace.
-Toward the driver travelling 15 miles below the speed limit.
-Toward the family member who turns every discussion political.
-Toward the guests who leaves thoughtless, enormous messes.
-Toward the people who refuse to offer to help in the kitchen.
-Toward those who never even bother to say thank you.
Yet this is meant to be a season of soft eyes.
+ As you look on others with compassion.
+ As you search for way to give others a hand up.
+ As you remember all you’ve been given.
+ As you allow your well of gratitude to bubble over.
What are soft eyes? Diana Butler Bass, author of Grateful: The Transformative Power of Giving Thanks, says soft eyes are “the capacity to see widely, to view the whole picture.”
And this is a season for all of us to develop soft eyes.
To remember the checkout person is likely overworked and underpaid.
To remember the slow driver may have a medical condition.
To remember the politically-driven family members is likely afraid and insecure.
To remember the guest who is likely not telling you all that’s going on.
To remember the people who don’t offer to help may be tired, too.
To remember that we all have forgotten to say thank you.
To remember that people everywhere cannot give us what they do no have.
Soft eyes form when we look at others and give them…
the benefit of the doubt.
a secret blessing.
unmerited grace.
lots of favor.
much needed compassion.
an encouraging word.
As we enter this season of Thanksgiving, Advent, and Christmas, there is so much to give thanks for….
But the thanks will flow more readily if we develop soft eyes.
If you’re looking for a resource to help you develop more gentle eyes, consider Celebrate Wonder and Joy: 25 Devotionals for Advent and Christmas.
In what ways do you long to develop soft eyes?
Beautiful! I’m going to print your article and tape it in my planner as a reminder during this holiday season.
Lalalove! Hugs!
This is so good, Margaret. Thanks for reminding us to react softly during a time when we more often hear sharp remarks from those who are quickly offended. Let us be kind and compassionate, soft, to those around us.
It can be so hard to forget and so easy to pass judgment. Hugs!
Beautiful post and reminder – much needed.
Thanks, Wendy!
Beautifully said, thank you!
Thank you, Susan!
I want soft eyes for my co-workers and my family. This is such a timely post. Thank you, Margaret!
It’s so great to put names & faces to this, Jan! Hugs!
Love this, Margaret! Thank you, and keep reminding all of us!
Thank you, Beth! Hugs!
I will need this reminder often
We all do, Mary! Hugs!
Such a great perspective! Love…soft eyes are “the capacity to see widely, to view the whole picture.” I’ve been trying to work on becoming a woman of understanding. Praying God will soften my eyes…
Beautiful, Eileen! May He answer your prayer!
I feel as if you know me when we’ve never met. your words touch my heart and it just seems you’re talking to me. Thank you, you’ve been such a blessing to my life.
Thank you for the encouragement, Michelle. I like to think that is God speaking through me directly to you. Hugs!
This will be the devotional for my ladies group brunch. Great word, great reminders, let me have soft eyes!
Love it! Hugs!
Sometimes, when under pressure and with rage of emotions, I tend to forget to see things with soft eyes. Especially when I am emotionally hurt and disappointed. It was so easy to jump into conclusion and judge a person without knowing his side of story. Everyone is going through different battles everyday. We must continue to pray and let God help us to see each situation with a soft eyes.