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Tight quarters combined with quarantine are placing new pressures on marriages. Not only are we together more hours a day, but we’re also with each other in our stress behavior. Those moments individually when we’re feeling whiplash of the latest headline, or hear the news of someone we know and love fighting for their lives, or those days when the reality of what’s happening crashes in.
And so we’re having to love each other in this and develop new techniques to protect and nourish our marriage in this season. Marriage guru and comedian Ted Cunningham provides practical, insightful help for you and me!
{You can listen to the show HERE, and make sure you never miss The Joycast – subscribe using your favorite podcast app (iTunes, Spotify, Google Play) And of course, I would love if you would share with your friends!}
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Margaret’s Instagram // Facebook // Twitter // Pinterest
Beautiful Life: 40 Days in the Book of James
Taste and See:
Discovering God Among Butchers, Bakers and Fresh Food Makers Bible Study
A Love That Laughs: Lighten Up, Cut Loose, and Enjoy Life Together
Recipe for Experiencing High Levels of Marital Satisfaction for Cooped Up Couples
1. Share emotions more than opinions
2. Do 1 thing a day around the house or yard for your spouse
3. Go to your separate corners of the house
3. Journal lessons learned, but applied later
4. Look for funny more than trying to be funny