The Secret to Organizing Your Prayer Life + Everyday
I have a confession: I’m not the most well-planned gal. Oh. Wait. You probably already knew that. As a creative, my organizational skills exist somewhere. I can just never find them. I’ve been quite disheveled lately for a variety of reasons. But when I am out of...7 Ways to Love on Teachers
Day after day. Week after week. Month after month. Year after year. Teachers pour sweat, sanity, and sleeplessness into what they do for our kids and communities. They may oversee your kiddo’s pre-school class, lead your Sunday School class, teach your third grader...
What The Names You’ve Embraced Say About You
Meet my friend, Lori. Lori Wilhite is the founder of Leading and Loving it– an amazing resource and Re:Treat for women in ministry and pastors’ wives (PS: if this is you, COME to the event this fall. You won’t want to miss it.) She’s married Jud...
What is the Role of Women in the Bible?
This Lenten season, I was struck once again by the presence of women at Jesus’ tomb. Even in its brevity, Mark’s Gospel makes mention that Mary of Magdalene, Mary mother of James, and Salome were the first to see the resurrected Christ. Throughout the...
Why Valentines Day, Easter, and April Fools are Especially Tricky This Year—A Surprising Answer!
After much prayer, I’m inviting YOU to join me in reading one of the most remarkable books of the Bible: The Gospel of Mark. You in?