Write Brilliant

Yep, Sometimes God Speaks Through Dreams

Oh sweet friends,

One of my friends, J, called today to catch up and we talked about our writing and what were learning, and exchanged funny stories.

The conversation took on a different pulse when J started sharing some of the ways God had been speaking to him through dreams and confirming the messages through complete strangers.

Love Will Do This One Thing

Ever have one of those frustrating moments, when you can’t help but think, What just happened?

I just drove 20 minutes, one-way, to the pool, only to discover my pool bag–with goggles, towel, and everything I need to swim–wasn’t in the car.

Only I hadn’t moved it.

One Prayer for Today

Hey Friends!

I’ve been diving deep into study on Holy Spirit–especially in the Old Testament.

I was raised on the idea that Holy Spirit really came at Pentecost. And the Spirit did, in demonstrative power. But man alive, if you look throughout the Old Testament, you’ll find God’s Spirit -e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e.

Powerful Hope for When Life is Too Much to Bear

Perhaps today, you find yourself in the midst of the unknown. Waiting for that which is not yet. Waiting for decisions to be made outside your control. Waiting for clarity amid the fogginess in your physical body, finances, or future.

You know you won’t be where you are forever, yet you don’t know how long until things change.

The middle aches with unmet expectations, lingering disappointments, and a litter of chaos thrown in.

What I Saw at the Asbury Outpouring

I didn’t write you last week, because I felt compelled to go to Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky. If you haven’t heard, on February 8, students remained after a chapel service for more worship and prayer. This sparked a round the clock worship and prayer with people soon coming in from around the United States and world.

After two days of delayed flights and a battle with sudden sickness, I arrived on Friday morning to thousands standing outside Asbury’s Hughes Auditorium waiting to get in. What I saw inside the auditorium was spectacularly unremarkable. …keep reading 🙂

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