Write Brilliant

Last week was the first week I’ve chosen to take off of social media, and I count it a pure privilege to do so.

I jotted down the thoughts I wanted to post and tweet and even snapped a few photos I withheld from posting on Instagram. Apology for all the randomness:

Dear Necessity, I’m tired of you being my mama. But I’m thankful for all the inventiveness. –Margaret

I’m so in love with this rug from Costco. I bought a second for upstairs. When close friends come over, I make them sit on the soft rug with me. It’s dreamy.

Rug from Costco

Is anyone else experiencing Bunnyvasion 2014? Those little hoppers are everywhere. How are you handling the bunny, bunny everywhere? #help

I’m reading a book on the science of laughter. I’m still fighting back with joy.

My Compassion child draws round houses. She’s from Kenya. Her school and church are square, but her house is round. #awesomeness

Compassion International

In the not-so-wee-hours of the morning, I’ve been rereading GodStories by Stephen Shoemaker and allowing the beauty of Biblical narrative to flood my soul.

And in the quietness, I hear two sacred echoes that have reverberated for some time:

Let them carry you” and “I will sustain you”.

Throughout the past year, I’ve heard God’s echo “Let them carry you” many times. The image I have is the of the friends of the paralyzed man who lowered him through the roof (Luke 5:19). Your prayers, notes, gift cards, and donations have carried us through this difficult year of treatment. Every purchase you’ve made directly through our website has made such a difference in paying down medical bills and staying afloat.

Sometimes it’s hard to let people carry you. Yet I’ve experienced the warmth, the closeness, the teary eyes of gratitude, the gasp of holy awe, the great joy of knowing you are fighting with me and for me.

I’m so thankful for you. Words fail to express my abounding gratitude.

Yet the command “Let them carry you” continues. Just like after a hurricane, the massive cleanup takes time. The full healing and restoration for my body, emotions, mind and heart won’t happen overnight. Each day I’m getting stronger… and much of that strength comes from not just accepting but learning to enjoy being carried.

The second echo I’ve been hearing from God is, “I will sustain you.”

In the midst of so much uncertainty and so many new challenges, doubt and fear keep slithering in. Yet I’ve been sensing God say again and again, “I will sustain you.”

Rather than cling to Scripture, I feel like I’ve been white-knuckling it. In particular, Isaiah 46:4:

“Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.”

The word “sustain” can also be translated “to carry” or “to bear” (Hebrew: cabal) as in a heavy burden. What I didn’t realize until the silence of this week is how the two echoes are connected. In essence, what I sense God has been saying is,

Let them carry youand I will carry you”.

In other words: Me and My people, we got you. We got you.

So today, I’m fighting back with joy by choosing to trust again.

[Tweet “”I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.” -Isaiah 46:4”]


*This week’s memory verse: Mark 10:29-30

Click here to download and print this week’s memory verse. Stick it in your Bible, hang it on your mirror, frame it for the kitchen table.

Gather. As we gather for the Summer Bible Study, let’s discuss this question (click here to leave your answer as a comment):

What echoes have you been hearing from God? What prevents you from fully surrendering to God?

*Join us right back here at on Monday to begin our final week. You won’t want to miss it.

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