The 5 Words You Need to Hear
Hey friend,
I woke up this morning and was praying for you. A scripture came to mind that I sense you may really need to hear:
Let us not grow weary (Gal. 6:9).
Hey friend,
I woke up this morning and was praying for you. A scripture came to mind that I sense you may really need to hear:
Let us not grow weary (Gal. 6:9).
Maybe like me, you’ve been part of a small group where one or two people make it, ahem, challenging to stay focused on the Scripture and spiritual growth.
Maybe you’ve got a talker who takes so long to tell a story there’s no time for anyone else. Or maybe you’ve got a member that pipes up with the “right answer’ so quickly that there’s no space for anyone else to wrestling through the question. Or maybe you’ve got a member that never says a word.
What do you do?
The story of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch is the jaw-dropping account of the Holy Spirit sending someone into mission impossible.
Go to this thoroughfare.
Find this particular chariot.
And lurk.
I’ve read the book of James hundreds of times, but recently learned something new that changed the way I read it forever.
Even though Jesus’ name is only explicitly mentioned twice in the entire book of James, scholars note that James sounds more like Jesus than any other letter in the New Testament—even those written by Paul or John. 😮
What do you long for in 2024?
My 2023 had more than its fair share of challenges–especially when it came to staying healthy! I’ve just strung together over 80 days of health, and I’m so thankful. I’m cheering all you on who are battling for wellness.
Now a flip of the calendar isn’t a magic wand, but it provides time to reset, to refocus, to prayerfully reflect and recenter on Christ.
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