Often when God speaks, he will say the same thing through a sermon, a passage of Scripture, a chance conversation, or an unexpected encounter. When we begin looking for these sacred echoes, we are better able to recognize God’s voice in our life and walk more...
Job and his friends ask God a laundry list of “Why?” questions. Why did this happen? Why did God not prevent it? Why does God allow such pain and loss? Those ancient questions are much different than the ones we ask God today. Situations. Circumstances. Experiences....
What do you do about your weekly small group when your schedule gets crazy? You can’t find a small group that meets on the only night you’re available. The Bible study at your church doesn’t offer childcare. You miss too many meetings because of the kid’s practices,...
The young mom coos at her six-month-old child as she reaches to rub noses with her baby girl. The child releases a gleeful sound of delight. The love between the two wafts across the room. I inhale deeply. Then remember where I am. This isn’t just any room. This is...
In our modern culture, we aren’t really taught to nurture a sense of wonder. Yet from the very beginning of Genesis, we get a glimpse creating endless surprises in the sky, sea, and land, all the way to the closing of Revelation where we see God seated on the throne...