Write Brilliant

father reveal (4)I’ve been left awestruck that more than 400 people applied to be part of our launch team for Wonderstruck, affectionately known as “Partymob.” These old and new friends have been going above and beyond to spread the word about Wonderstruck on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and their own websites.

I wish I could have my own little celebratory dance party with each of you. But we wanted to introduce you to some of the partymob (more are coming!). Some of the posts are just breathtaking, others profoundly thought-provoking, and still others invite you into the wonder. I’m wildly grateful to the Partymob. You’ve been a dream team and taken my breath away in your love and support.

Today, I wanted to introduce you to a few:

Wonderstruck shows us how to be more aware of God’s special-on-purpose-surprises.” –Deanna | Read more here

“I have taken on a challenge that one of my favorite authors, Margaret Feinberg, wrote about in her upcoming book, Wonderstruck. In her book, she dedicates a chapter to a Lenten Season where she limits her prayers. As I am relearning to pray, I find that Margaret’s words ring true in my soul.” –Miranda | Read more here

“Childlike wonder is necessary for staying alert for God. We lose our capacity to see God at work around us. We don’t truly believe in the power of prayer anymore. But we don’t have to settle for less than God’s will for us. God is ready to embrace us with his abundant grace. God is ready to move in our lives. Wonderstruck living is only a prayer away.” –Mari-Anna at Flowing Faith | Read more here

“Each day is full of ‘burning bush moments.’ These are moments where God wants to show Himself to you or maybe speak into your life. It’s real easy in our fast paced, frenzied world to miss these moments. And that’s exactly why books like Wonderstruck are so very important.”  –Pete Wilson | Read more here

Ruth Leamy | Follow Ruth on Twitter

Barbara Miles | Follow Barbara on Twitter

Janis Cox | Follow Janis on Twitter

Heather Pocock | Follow Heather on Twitter

Margot Starbuck | Follow Margot on Twitter

Justin Lathrop | Follow Justin on Twitter

Roye Glass | Follow Roye on Twitter

Kathleen Brooks

Eric Bryant | Follow Eric on Twitter

Lorna Clemente | Follow Lorna on Twitter

Alan Danielson | Follow Alan on Twitter

Megan Card | Follow Megan on Twitter

Jen Lundberg | Follow Jen on Twitter

Michael Blewett | Follow Michael on Twitter

Deborah Pinnell | Follow Deborah on Twitter

Dean Deguara | Follow Dean on Twitter

Sundi Jo | Follow Sundi on Twitter

Pastor Patrick | Follow Patrick on Twitter

Cynthia Smith | Follow Cynthia on Twitter

Karen Sesnon

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