I used to think rest meant taking a nap or getting a few extra hours of sleep. But rest isn’t a purely passive activity. Rest invites us to actively engage with the world around us and #LIVEWONDERSTRUCK by what we experience.
You see, the quality of your life depends on this one thing:
Identify what replenishes you.
Someone once asked me to identify activities that made me feel the most rested and rejuvenated.
I responded with a blank stare.
I had worked for so long and so hard, I forgot what activities brought me joy… the activities that made me feel most alive. I had squeezed the life-giving activities out of my schedule in the name of effectiveness, efficiency, and impact—not realizing these are the very things that make me more effective, more efficient, and able to have a greater impact.
When we carve out time for life-giving activities, we’re more sensitive to the nudges of the Holy Spirit and the grace God wants to pour in and through us. Our pace slows, the fruit of the Spirit—including peace, joy, and patience—blossom in our hearts.
For some, rest and rejuvenation is discovered through physical exercise, others prefer a creative outlet like painting, sculpting, or completing a project on Pinterest. Still others experience rest through spending time at the rifle range, reading an engaging book, working on a car, enjoying a comedy, or cooking a new recipe.
Today, challenge yourself to find one activity that breathes life into your soul. Over the course of the next week, make time to engage in this activity and #LIVEWONDERSTRUCK by your experience.
This blog is part of a series called Sunday Still. You can read more about the heart behind these posts, here.
This week, were giving away 3 copies of Shades of Mercy by Anita Lustrea and Caryn Rivadeneira, their newest fiction book that you won’t want to put down.
Set with the backdrop of Maine’s Northwoods, Mercy and Mick find it nearly impossible to hold onto their someday dream… then disaster strikes, looking surprisingly like the grace of God.
To win, leave a comment on the original blog post at MargaretFeinberg.com sharing one thing that replenishes you. The three winners will be selected and announced on Friday.
Congratulations to the winners: Dianna, Cindy and Rose
What activity replenishes you? Share in the comments below for a chance to win!
I love to scrapbook digitally,but rarely allow myself time to do it. This year, I’m trying to incorporate that into my sabbath day. Thx for reminding me !
I found out that I love to cook and I love to can food! The entire process replenishes me…I am guessing that when I get empty jars back from my family and friends, they feel replenished too lol 🙂
Picking up my ukulele and hearing the sweet sounds I am learning to make on it brings a (much needed!) smile to my face and break from the stress in my life! As I head off my class to learn this instrument with others, I realize how much I need other people in my life too, this is how God created me and instead of trying to fight it I just need to embrace it:)
These days I am replenishing myself by putting in good order the things of my mother’s estate who died in 2013 and also organizing the many photos of my children, now grown with families of their own. Rather than being mean to myself about why it’s not done yet, I do a little bit each time or finish a box and as a result, I enjoy it more and do a better job. On my living room wall, I have the saying “Be Still and Know that I am God.” Resting in the Lord today, on Sabbath Day!
I have recently begun Running which definitely replenished me. Thank you for this post Margaret.
Sitting with my Grandchildren or even just sitting with one of the seven. Chatting with them while looking at their cute little faces, looking into their eyes, watching them smile and laugh, the look of excitement when I share a story from my younger years as a child. A couple of the children love to hear about Back In The Day and they remember what I told them. They ask about my Mother who passed away when I was 23. Her name was Lila. My youngest Granddaughter, Eden, named her little bear Lila. She insists the bear sit on the top of our buffet-hutch so she can watch us. So, there she sits. Spending time with my Grandchildren makes me feel close to God. They are amazing, created in God’s image, each unique in their own way. I know that they know they are loved by God and by me. They know I love spending time with them and I cherish every minute. My time on this earth or their time on this earth could be gone at any time and I do not take one moment for granted. I feel love, joy and peace when I sit with them. Their hugs, kisses and I love yous Grandma, brings a little bit of Heaven to my life. After time sitting with them, I am replenished and super charged. Now…I mentioned sitting with them. When all 7 are here and we are swimming, playing games, cooking, baking, stopping fights, putting band-aids on wounds, lotion on dry spots, unstopping toilets……I am not replenished until they all are on their way home. LOL!! Silence is the key then.
I find there is no better place for me to find true rest than out in God’s creation. Whether it be a walk in the woods or a boat ride on a like (with/or without fishing pole in hand). He shows up and meets me and we commune together. I cherish these times and return very refreshed and ready to fulfill the opportunities He has set before me.
I cross stitch and read. I like the rhythm of both activities. Thank you for pointing out that just sleep isn’t enough to rest.
I would have to say doing something creative–quilting, cross-stitch, arranging flowers–anything that reminds me that the mundane isn’t all there is. And of course, singing the old hymns lifts me faster than anything! My study is doing Wonderstruck, as well. Being on the lookout for the Wonderful can’t help but put one in the mood to praise! What a good question, Margaret!
Spending time at the piano playing hymns replenishes me. I don’t do it enough because it feels like an indulgence, but it really does refresh my soul.
Spending time with my grandchildren is definitely one way I am replenished, going for a walk and listening to worship songs, or relaxing cup of tea with friends or family.
Walking – in God’s creation and taking in my surroundings…birds, clouds, flowers, people – love it!
Last year I walked 565 miles (I trained and did the 3 day 60 mile Susan G Komen walk to raise money for breast cancer research) this year my goal is to walk more – at least 566 miles!! Hoping to do the 3 day again as part of those miles. Feel so blessed to be able to physically get outside and walk.
I turn off the t v or anything else that is destracting and either sit on the patio in warm weather or my room with a cup of tea and a book and my dog. I just enjoy the quietness and get lost in the book.
Taking a long walk with my husband replenishes me. And I love to read a good book.
I replenish by sitting quietly with a good book, catching up on reading favorite (yours included!!!), or simply taking in the surroundings. We are just TOO busy and I cherish these times. Unfortunately we are sometimes “forced” to stop and replenish when we’ve overdone and hit a wall – that is not true replenishment.
The short answer is walking on the beach. To elaborate, I love being able to stare at the horizon. I grew up near the ocean – the land was flat and the sky was always big and wide. Now I live in the suburbs of Atlanta – it’s wooded and hilly and I see the sky only in patches and the horizon rarely. Being near water with a vast open sky just seems to fill my soul and make me smile.
Oh wow, I can think of several things that rejuvenate me right off….I can be in a very stressed mood and if I walk through the doors of the library I can instantly relax and recharge. Just being around books does that to me. Used bookstores have the same effect. Also baking, being in nature, taking a walk, and loving my kitties and hearing them purr, exercising all these work! The one thing I have to say that rejuvenates me the most is my morning prayer time. Just sitting in the silence, alone with God sets the tone for the day. I really enjoyed this post Margaret!! You have been in my prayers. Lori
Camping, long walks and just listening to the sounds of God’s creation. I love bird watching.
I learned a long time ago that creating is key to my sanity, which I think means replenishment. Speaking life and encouragement to someone and seeing it
“Land” always brings refreshing to me. Beauty, whether it be nature or art…. the older I get the more simple pleasures restore me.
Walking and singing. They go together. Makes it extra special if my man & pups, are with me. 🙂
You’re singing was a sweet, sweet sound on that Maine trail!!
My Sunday afternoon nap is the most restful time of my week, and I always feel replenished.
Going to moving water always calms and centers me as it balances my energy. I usually go with pen and paper because I always hear from God at these times. I once lived in a town without a river or running stream so I found a drainage ditch with miniature waterfalls and squirrels playing nearby. God provides when there is a need!
Awaking very early when the house is quiet, spending time with the Lord writing and reading, and treating my body well with a hard workout before the *whirl and twirl* of the day begins and everyone wants a piece of me.
Powerful statement about identify what replenishes you. Thanks for sharing.
I learned how to spin yarn about 12 years ago. I find it meditative and centering, and a whole lot of fun!
Walking in a park listening to worship music always refreshes me. There’s just something about being surrounded by God’s creation while praising Him that does it for me.
I have to be honest Margaret, it took me a few days to come back and answer this question! I’ve been so busy lately I’d almost forgot what replenishes me! I’m a wife, women’s ministry director, employee, Sunday School teacher…My plate overfloweth!
There are three things that replenish me:
1. My “Meeting with God” place at a state park about 15 minutes away from my house. It’s the place where I go to have tough conversations with Him about life. It’s the place I go to have a good hard cry when the world around me doesn’t make sense. It’s quiet there. After I meet with God there, I’m normally replenished!
2. Being with my husband away from the hustle and bustle of our busy lives! You see, I’m that crazy wife that still is head over heels in love with her husband after almost 15 years of marriage (August 28th is our anniversary!). I love our date nights! We have date night every week. I have to confess every week for date night I’m like a teenager all over again! What are we going to do? Where are we going?!!! I love holding his hand and feeling secure and the love he has for me! Simply put…I love him with all of my being!
3. Sign Language to Christian music! I’m a State Screen sign language interpreter. SOmetimes I love to just do Christian music to sign language for about 45 minutes. It replenishes me! Currently I’m working on the song Hallelujah!!!
So those things complete me! God bless you today Margaret!
In His unfailing Love,
Alicia Roark
taking a walk or bike ride in nature…connecting with God…
connecting with God during worship…waking up when my body
wants to naturally vs with an alarm…
oh yeah! uninterrupted warm baths!!! with a good book even better!!!
Rising early, drinking coffee and listening to the first birdsong of the morning. Walking to the garden, working the earth, feeling its warmth and rich smell, as the sun warms my back. I love these moments with God & His creation. Stresses & the multitude of thoughts clamoring for attention drain away as I focus on Him & what He provides daily. Some of the best conversations I’ve had with God have occurred here. He reminds me He is my daily provider of all I need on this earth. I feel so blessed!
Listening to nature…
Playing team basketball! You think about nothing else when you are playing. There is great camaraderie with “low maintenance” friends (you only talk about the great play or the embarrassing thing you did); problems are left outside the gym. There is a gratifying fatigue when you are done, where things seem manageable again. And a sound sleep to follow. Best therapy I know.
What truly replenishes all of me, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually is my date nights with God. Just me, my bible, maybe a spiritual book, my journal, sometimes music, but always just stopping and listening, being still and quiet, alone with God, resting in his presence. Took me time to realize what this meant, a kind of solitude in order to just be in his presence.
I walk into nature feeling stress. I walk out feeling blessed. Nature and photography nourish me, empty me of the burdens of the day and fills me with uncountable blessings.
I love to get lost reading a good book to the point that I can feel and see every word. And I love to sing, I lead worship with the kids on Sundays,it’s one of my greatest joys.
I replenish with MUSIC….singin’ or listening to words from The WORD – set to melodies & harmonies that seem to me to be gifts from God! Prayer songs, old Sunday School dittys, (who doesn’t know “Jesus Loves Me”?!) magnificent anthems, (Hallelujah from the Messiah from Isaiah)…. For me, the perfect way to be refreshed by God: to praise, pray, plead, promise….
The above comes from my heart of hearts!…AND, I need to win the BOOK!! (I’m too poor to buy it….true; but I sure still “Count {my} Your Blessings! Name them one by one!! – a SONG; don’t ya see?! Precious MUSIC!) ;~D
My favorite place and time is a quiet night sitting on my back deck. I look up at the immense sky and brilliant flickering lights and am amazed that he knows each one by name. It reminds me if God can create the universe I have nothing to worry about.
Enjoyed this question of what refreshes me! I enjoy long walks a few times a week with my friends and precious daughter in law. A quiet dinner and good conversation with my husband. My personal time in God’s Word. These are just a few of my favorite things!!!!