Write Brilliant


Most of the colors you see are brighter than the soot on foreheads today, but they are the tools I’m using during the 6 weeks leading up to Easter to create more whitespace for God.

Today marks the launch of Lent, my favorite season on the church calendar. This is a sacred time when we prepare our hearts and minds for the resurrection of Christ at Easter.

You’re invited to join more than 75,000 people as we read through Luke and Acts together to reawaken to the wonder of Christ and the church.

This year we’ve gone one step further for those who want to go deeper. We’ve taken the books of Luke and Acts and divided them into daily readings. Then we’ve worked with artists to added simple artwork to each page to invite you to color, doodle, and discover God’s Word anew. Those of you who enjoy Live Loved and Live Free know how far a little creativity can go to awakening us to the beauty of Scripture.


The 40-Day Live Lent Challenge: A Color Method Study for Luke and Acts includes:

  • A Welcome Letter
  • The Reading Plan
  • Instructions on How to Use the Color Method
  • Suggestions on How to Get the Most From Your Study Time
  • Space to Journal and Doodle

The goal of the Color Method approach to Bible study is interacting with the text in a tangible way that uncovers patterns and placement, that primes our hearts to hear from God through familiar passages in fresh ways.

The question I’m challenging you to ask and I’m asking myself this Lent is:

What do I most need to read but least want to hear?

If you just want the one-page FREE #LentChallenge Reading Guide, click here.

But if you prefer the 200-page The 40-Day Live Lent Challenge: A Color Method Study for Luke and Acts, click here.


Tomorrow and Friday I’ll post my first entries on Luke 1 and 2. I can’t wait to hear what you’re discovering!

In the meantime, will you let us know that you’re onboard by posting about what you’re discovering as you read on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or your blog using #lentchallenge?

Submit your name and email below to receive your free download on how to hang on when you are at the end of your rope. 

Check your inbox for your download now.