Let me introduce you to my friend, Bonnie. Bonnie Gray is author of Finding Spiritual Whitespace, garnering starred review praise from Publisher’s Weekly, as one of the Top 6 notable new religion authors. Bonnie is contributor at Crosswalk.com and DaySpring (in)courage. A UCLA graduate, Bonnie has been ministry entrepreneur and high-tech professional. Bonnie blogs at FaithBarista.com in Northern California with her husband Eric and their two sons. Connect with Bonnie on Facebook and Twitter.
Over the course of the next few weeks, I’ve invited friends to share their words in this space as we explore the mysteries of prayer during the Summer Bible Study.
by Bonnie Gray
I didn’t know that I was hiding. I’ve always been good at praying.
Or so I thought.
My daddy left when I was seven. I’ve always looked to God as my Father, my provider. I didn’t realize that God wanted to be more than just my provider. God longed to be my soul’s confidante—deep where I feel lonely, where I struggle to receive and make space for me.
I find it easier to take care of others and do things for God, rather than be vulnerable with my needs.
But God is showing me prayer is an intimate soul conversation to be loved and known, rather than a spiritual transaction to be made better.
This journey of restful prayer began in the most unexpected way: My first panic attack.
At the cusp of a life-long dream, writing a book, painful childhood memories re-ignited as live events. I began reliving them.
Even though I was married to my soulmate hubby, a mom to two beautiful boys, having once traveled halfway across the world as a missionary to tell others about Jesus, I couldn’t stop my heart from pounding like a jackhammer, unable to breathe. I couldn’t stop endless nights of insomnia or fatigue so thick I laid in bed by day.
I felt ashamed. It seemed the peace of Jesus I’ve always prayed for others and myself was out of reach.
I knew how to pray to be competent and strong. But I didn’t know there were deeper, beautiful prayers for broken me.
Instead of abandoning me, Jesus whispers—
“Come to me, weary and heavy-laden. And I will give you rest.” —Matt. 11:28
Sometimes, it takes more faith to fall apart with Jesus than praying for faith to stop it from happening. I began praying new intimate prayers.
I began finding spiritual whitespace: making room for rest instead of ignoring my wounding and exhaustion.
As I took the journey to find rest, I uncovered 5 Soulful Ways to Pray When You Don’t Know How:
1. When you’re overwhelmed, whisper His name.
Remember receiving a first love note? It didn’t have to be long. Yet your heart felt known seeing your handwritten name. It kept you company in the daily grind, the mention of your name. Whisper His name and listen for his echo in the quiet moments in your day. God names the stars and He whispers your name.
“He heals the brokenhearted And binds up their wounds.
He counts the number of the stars; He gives names to all of them.”
—Psalm 147:3-5
2. When you don’t have words to pray, rest knowing Jesus is praying for you.
Your silence will not drive Jesus away. Nothing can separate you from His love. Not even your unrest. He’ll never get tired of you. Sometimes, the greatest prayer we can experience is God’s complete understanding and compassion. His presence.
“Who then is the one who condemns? No one.
Christ Jesus who died…is also interceding for us.”
—Rom 8:34
3. When you are too stressed to pray, take care of you.
Extend yourself the kindness and comfort you so generously give others. Ironically, the times we most need God’s comfort are the times we deprive ourselves of soul-nurturing time.
We feel selfish. Yet, God says, we can only comfort others, with the comfort we first receive ourselves. (2 Cor 1:4)
Instead of layering on guilt, head in the opposite direction. Let God love you through your choices to prioritize taking care of you.
4. When you are numb and don’t want to pray, invite Jesus into your world.
Instead of struggling to reach Jesus, invite Jesus to enter your world. Let us strive to enter that rest.
“For the word of God is living and active. . .
It penetrates dividing soul and spirit..”
—Heb. 4:11–12
The “the word of God” used is the Greek word logos—translated as living voice. This means God is not limited to the written word. God uses everything living to speak into our lives. He knows what’s on your heart and the everyday life you are living. God leaves us love notes in that everyday life to let us know: you are God’s living prayer.
Take a walk outside. Listen to music. Read a good book. Confide in a friend with a cup of coffee.
5. When you’re too exhausted to pray, stop, and rest.
“Arise and eat.
For the journey is too great for you.”
—1 Kings 19:7
Elijah had done everything he knew to do—even defeating the prophets of Baal. Yet, his problems did not go away. Stress broke Elijah’s spirit. In despair, Elijah woke up to find fresh bread baking on hot stones and water—left just for him.
Not only that. God sent an angel—to touch him—twice. God knew Elijah needed physical rejuvenation first—in order to hear His gentle voice, whispering in a gentle breeze.
No more hiding.
You’re loved.
You’re worth it.
Just rest.
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This week, were giving away 3 copies of Finding Spiritual Whitespace by Bonnie Gray.
How many of us find ourselves running on empty with no time for rest, no time for ourselves, no time for God?
Bonnie Gray knows what that’s like. On the brink of fulfilling a lifelong dream, she saw her plans shatter into a journey through painful memories and anxiety. In her search for answers, she made an important discovery: we all need spiritual whitespace.
Whitespace. It’s the space on a page left unmarked. Untouched. Whitespace makes art beautiful. It gives the eye a place to rest. Just like beautiful art, our souls need balance and beauty.
With heartbreaking honesty, Bonnie guides you to discover a better story for yourself, one that feeds your soul and makes room for rest. Infused with biblical encouragement and thought-provoking prompts, this book shows us how to create space in the everyday for God, refreshment, and faith—right in the midst of our stress-frayed lives.
(RSS Subscribers, click here to view book trailer.)
To win, click here to leave a comment on the original blog post at MargaretFeinberg.com. The three winners will be selected and announced on Friday.
Congratulations to the winners: Mary-Ann Winslow, Jean Chan, Amber B.
While doing the “Wonderstuck” series this spring, we talked a lot about prayer and rest. It’s a challenge, to be sure! I make space by having my breakfast alone on the porch. No computer, no phone, no kids … Just me and God.
so beautiful, Tanya. that intimate space. with no one else. except the One who loves *you* – God’s work of art.
I’m going to continue to leave certain distractions out if my life. TV was a big one for me. It is all but gone now
so true, Valerie. it’s so much easier to just watch and not feel. so amazing you are able to turn off the TV.
Even though my days are quite busy this summer with new responsibilities and longer hours at work, I start my day sitting in my entry garden. I sip my coffee, listen to the birds sing, smell the aroma of budding flowers, read my Bible and pray.
Debbie, even the scent of flowers He created brings us rest with God. thank you for sharing.
such sweet songs they sing, Sherilyn. just like your heart to God.
Making time for that space is a challenge, to be sure. I’m constantly a work in progress and thankful for God’s grace.
rest is a movement and not a spreadsheet. for sure, God’s grace, draws us to miss Him and long for Him in that space. thnx for sharing Jackie.
I lost my mom and dad within a year of each other, my daughter was in a serious car accident which kept me in the hospital with her for 18 days. I also quit a comfortable income job in the midst of my dads death. It was then that all of the stress and grief that I thought “I” was handling came crashing down on me. It threw me into panic attacks, I couldn’t even go into a walmart to buy groceries without having an attack. I was so weak I would just get out of bed and go to my recliner and sit all day. I was only 43 but felt like I was in my 80’s. During those 7 months of feeling like I was in a pit, I found God to be my closest friend and confidant. I wasn’t pulled out of my pit immediately but God gave me strength each day to climb a little higher until one day I found my spiritual strength overshadowed my physical strength and I was up on top. I give God all the glory but Margaret Feinbergs book Hungry for God played an instrumental part in my healing. I appreciate her ministry so much! By the way, although I think this book would be awesome to have I am not commenting to win. I just recently won the book Unlost. I just wanted to share what God has done for me.
LeAnne, What an amazing testimony. Praising God for your healing.
LeAnne, what a powerful story that is TRUE of God’s rest in you. I am 43 now. 😉 Thank you for sharing.
Oh how I need this today ! God is SO awesome at meeting me right where I’m at…….recovering from 2 car accidents the occurred recently, but also honestly feeling very discouraged at the slow speed of the recovery. This morning I have ‘lost it’ with my husband and son, and apologized to them……and then turned my upset and discouragement in on myself, opened up this email and that is where He meets me…
Thank you for this, may He meet you and all your readers in their area of greatest need today xx
recovery is hard. it feels like watching iceberg move at times. 😉 i’m so sorry to hear you’re having to deal with the pain and journey of healing. God is with you and He understands the hardness of this journey right now. give yourself permission to take care of you. you’re worth it. you’re loved. thnk you for sharing, Linda.
I’m taking some time this week while my husband and daughter are on a missions trip to not do more projects but spend time with Jesus. I want to see the gift of time this week as a gift to my walk with God and much needed water to my spiritual soul. #SacredEcho
what a beautiful opportunity to feed your soul, nourish you, Cynthia! smiling thinking of the #spiritualwhitespace you’ll be savoring with God. your family will return to a refreshed *you*.
I love this post! So timely, it truly takes the extra weigh off already burdened backs.
As a longtime reader of Bonnie’s blog it is good to see her emerge from her recent trial able to share the priceless treasures she found in the dark!
Thanks so much, both of you, for sharing this.
so happy you’re here and have been on the journey Melinda! blessings!
Thank you for this series on prayer. It has helped tremendously. I would love to win a copy of Bonnie’s book.
Thank you
so happy you’re here this morning, Kimberly. Blessings to you.
I appreciated the comments on prayer. It seems I have exhausted myself in whispering the same prayer over the past twenty years. It was reassuring to me that I need to rest and to give God this request and let Him work the situation out. Your words were so refreshing and give me hope for a good future. The thought of having “white space” is unique but so profound.
Sweet Kathy, it makes me soul happy to hear you found refreshment. Yes, Jesus is holding, praying for you, and loving you. Right now. And He won’t let go. I hope to meet with you btwn the pages for more spiritual whitespace.
And there are His Sacred Echoes… He is so faithful – bringing together and reinforcing all that we are currently studying in our Wonderstruck study and subsequent personal time with Him. I love how He weaves the messages into our lives, and that we can see it, hear it and blossom, if we will only listen and respond. Thank you both for your precious ministries, for your transparency in letting us learn more about how much our Father God cares about every aspect of our lives. God bless you..
He is faithful. thanks for sharing, Daria. Blessings!
I am carving out time to get into the Word. I am greatly encouraged by your reference to Hebrews 4:11-12.
how soul refreshing Lisa. yes, Heb. 4:11-12 is sweet to our souls.
I am out of school for the summer. By year end, I am an exhausted first grade teacher. I so cherish my un-rushed early morning time to spend with him. During the school year, I still have my quiet time but I am always feeling rushed to get out the door to get to school on time. This book sounds wonderful. I would love to receive a copy. Thank you for sharing your heart with us.
so wonderful summer is a whitespace time for you, Kathleen. savor. enjoy.
So in need of spiritual whitespace…would love to read Bonnie’s book. Thank you Margaret for introducing us all to Bonnie!
thnx for being here, jamie.
So inspired by the words shared in this blog. I have been in a long winter season with so many difficulties, but I have clung to the Lord and known that even though I do not understand, I know He is working all out for good. I found peace in your blog today knowing that I can be still and know that He is interceding for me in prayer. Thank you for sharing
He is interceding for us… such a comfort to our souls to imagine and hear. thank you for sharing, Cara.
Beautiful, timely, wise, healing words. Thank you for the reminder Jesus will never get tired of me. Blessings and congratulations on the launch of your book, Bonnie.
Yes, Jesus will never let go of us. As is. Thank you for your kindness Vivian.
Thankyou. So pertinent for me and such Healing words.
So very grateful for His tender mercy & sweet grace ~
Wow! This was so timely! I have 3 teenage boys and one is at Teen Challenge. Life has been difficult and I am exhausted. Thank you!
This is a time that is very demanding of your soul and energies. Definitely, you deserve time to feed your soul and take care of you. Thank you for sharing with us, Rebecca!
Today, I said yes to my 12 year old daughter when she wanted me to make some clay pots with her. I’m not sure why I wanted to resist it, as the college-aged Mandy majored art, but I’m so glad I said yes. It was good to create and spend time with my girl.
it was good you spent time with the little girl in you.. with Jesus… and your 12 year old little girl. soul beautiful. mandy, it made my heart happy to imagine this.
Thank you. This is exactly what I needed to read today 🙂
I carved out whitespace today by taking my small dog for a long walk where I could enjoy God’s creation and pray out loud. It is time I needed because I am dealing with all of my immediate family in very bad health (parents and siblings). My husband and I are now unemployed .I need that time to be alone.
thanks for sharing your spiritual whitespace, Robin. This sounds like a hard time… Jesus is with you and He going to walk you through it all. One day at a time. As is. Blessings.
Admire God n searching for whitespace.
Thank you! This is very timely – much needed encouragement.
Some days are just busy…and I think I have to appreciate the whitespace that God graciously gifts me while waiting in the car when picking up my son from work or while embracing the delay in the Dr’s office etc… As the Divine Artist, God knows when to interject whitespace in creative ways on chaotic days.
I do intentionally arise in the morning at 5:45am, before the rest of my house rouses …while they slumber in dark places I can rest in my whitespace with the Lord and in His Word.
Breathing in His presence,
blessings, Joy. thanks for sharing your whitespace moments.
Bonnie, your message is like water in the desert. Thank you.
thank you, Mary for being here. 🙂
This book sounds so encouraging and so timely.
thank you, Tricia.
I am learning to count my blessings through the struggles and pain that life brings. One of your good friends, sweet Ann v. has inspired me to do so. The anxiety or pain does not always go away, but His presence is greater!!! You are just precious, can’t wait to read your book!
Thanks, Barb. Can’t wait to meet with you between the pages on this journey to find rest.
With the sudden passing of my daughter at age 23 followed by my mom passing 3 months later, i was thrown into the deep pit,, one that i thought was tremendously deep i felt i was dying inside all by myself. It was a period when words were hard to come out of my mouth but only tears pouring like rain that washed my face daily and physical pain seized me daily through griefs. I felt God was not on my side, and He is so far away. I questioned do i ever need to depend on Him and where He is? It was during one of those period when physical pain in my body seized me so hard that left me wriggling on the floor and going through insommia that left me with a empty spirit, that one day, i found Jesus interceding for me. I My spirit groaned and i was speaking in a language not my own, but i felt the Spirit of God. I remember Jesus when He was in the Garden of Gesthemane, when He was in deep sorrow, pleading the Father to take that cup from him, but in the Father’s will. God is living. Jesus understood the pain, the same kind of pain, of a broken spirit. Draw near to Him even when sometimes we are lost for words, when we do not know how to express, when no one friend can underrtand, Jesus can.
Dear Jean, this is all very hard and painful. I cannot image the depths of this journey, but it’s soul beautiful we both found the Voice and the Confidante who knows how to whisper and touch us deep. Who is kind, gentle and strong to carry us. Blessings to you on this journey of rest as you do the faith-filled work of grieving the beautiful memories of those you love – and who love you.
“Sometimes, it takes more faith to fall apart with Jesus than praying for faith to stop it from happening” – this SO spoke to me. Accepting and embracing our broken places, rather than covering them, ignoring them ….. If He truly is enough for you and me, then we can rest in the fact that our weaknesses and emptiness are cloaked in his strength and fullness.
soul beautiful Richelle to hear this spoke to you. you are loved. cherished. real. as is. thnk you for sharing.
So thankful to be lead to these words of encouragement and wisdom .
I have to be intentional and set aside time in the early morning for whitespace. Sometimes even going for a nice run clears my mind to lean on Jesus. I get spiritually fed and able to overcome by the will of God!!
thanks for sharing your spiritual whitespace, Evangelina!
I’m not sure if the giveaway is over or not but either way, I’m going to have to read this book! Just reading Bonnie’s blog post is making my eyes sting a little which is a good indication that the information will be quite impacting.
i can’t wait to meet with you between the pages, Rianne. and let God touch us, eyes stinging. as is. beautiful!
This book will be added to my mustered list.
I am trying to find my white space in the mornings I was trying to end the day with it but made excuses that I was too tired or that last load of dishes still need finished. I just spend my time with him just before I roll out of bed! I also have been use Margaret short and sweet blogs to read on my break at work for a quick pick me up! I may just look up Bonnie blog to add to my list
Margaret’s words are sweet echoes of God’s voice. have soothed my soul as well. Looking forward to having you visit with me at Faith Barista too.
I love this post this idea of whitespace I’m a Martha struggling for years to be Mary and to know how to sit to experience rest I am so comforted by all these amazing women starting Margaret and Micha and now Bonnie! Thank you for blessing me! The sacred echo reminding me I am not alone not wrong not broken
Thank you.
I am so thankful for just being able to read excerpts from Bonnie’s book… Would love to be able to read the whole thing! This is truly speaking to my heart and stirring in me a desire for His true rest. I love that beauty is a place of rest, it’s kind of like become a revelation to me that it’s not selfish to require beauty. He created man to be in a place of beauty in the beginning and that’s always been the plan! How awesome is our God!
Thanks…I really needed this today! I would love to get in on the drawing for a copy of the book too.
I recently found Bonnie’s blog and have been blessed.
Seeing the trailer for her book this morning brought tears to my eyes, a longing for a deeper relationship with Jesus. My birth father left when I was 10 years old. My heart aches for that father/daughter relationship. I am 65 years old, I am a widow, having lost my dear husband/best friend of 43 years, 18 months ago. My life changed drastically, and I am more dependent on Jesus than ever before to fill the loneliness and longing of my heart.. I need this whitespace to grow in His tender mercies, love and grace.
Thank you for this opportunity to win this book, and for your blog Margaret which I plan to read more of since being led here this morning.
FlowerLady Lorraine
Thank you for this post today – I’ve been feeling burnt out and tired and lonely for a long time – and I just long to sit on Daddy God’s lap and just rest in Him. But sometimes I don’t even know if I know where to find Him. I need Him to show up for me so bad right now.
I am struggling with addiction, I am haunted by the inability to get free and feel like I am slowly killing myself and can’t fight any more. This morning in my prays I told God that I’m so tired and don’t have the energy to fight……………..this was his answer:
Then I said to you, “Do not be terrified; do not be afraid of them.
The Lord your God, who is going before you, will fight for you
Deuteronomy 1: 29-31
I will spend some time journaling before bed tonight. I’ve been falling into bed exhausted each night, intending to get up in the morning to spend time with the Lord. But it isn’t working. And journaling is the way I talk to Him. So as I’ve waited to try and get this new routine off the ground, we’ve stopped talking. That has to end. So I’ll journal tonight. I’d love a copy of this book! I could really use the help as I work on this area of my life.
My days are extremely busy. I work full time and we have 2 junior high boys. My husband is a civilian contractor in Afghanistan and has been there for a year. Last summer I moved everything out of our home and we put it on the market. My sons and I moved into a guest house my mom has and are living there until my husband comes home which will probably be next year. Right now, I am still trying to figure out a way to have a peaceful and uninterrupted time with God because the guest house is so small and it’s quite hard to find quiet time. I have started blocking out time in my planner for my quiet time which has helped. It’s made a big difference and I make sure that I have time and a quite place for spending time with God. I’d love to win a copy of the book!! It would help me so much in this area!! Thank you so much for the giveaway!!
Tired, tired, tired….. Feels like earning a Ph.D in Stress & Chronic Fatigue. Feels like you know my heart’s stifled cry. I know today’s entry is from His heart to your heart for my heart. Thank you, Jesus!
Bonnie, thank you so much for your encouraging words. They came at exactly the perfect time for me (amazing how God does that). I recently decided to quit my 24/7/365 corporate job to look for something that is a better balance and more in line with my faith. Would love to read the entire book!
Like to read this book!Thank You for writing it Bonnie.
i NEED to be intentional about it… i easily find something that needs done.. but rarely make time to just be with the Lord . during my toddlers nap time is when i need to just sit with the Lord . listening to some good soaking music and pray and read and journal
I find it difficult to just sit and pray…I hate to admit that as it makes me feel sad inside. I know that I should do it, but just don’t take the time to just “be.” I think of the Lord often and read about him and go to church, etc., but still find it hard to just sit at home and talk to him in complete silence. Am I the only one with this problem? I just need to take the time and find my “spiritual whitespace.” Looking forward to reading the book and continuing my journey. Thank you,
As I read this book I almost felt as if I was reading my life !!!!my dad left when I was 3months old n started a new family left me with tons of abandonment issues ,depression .major rejection the enemy has used my whole life !!!!plus I’ve had 2abortuons which just added to depression n rejection n I was raped @14 it’s literally a miracle I’m alive !!!!god has saved my life from 2awful accidents where the doctors said I wasn’t going to make it!!!!thsnk you
God is using you to speak to my long-frozen heart. Thank you, and God bless your work. I am unemployed right now but I long to read your book and be healed.
Beautiful post – I loved prayer is “an intimate should conversation.” Oh, how true. The soul longings I have are to be known by Him and make Him known!
Very encouraging post – thank you Bonnie!
sorry, “intimate SOUL conversation!
As women and most often caregivers to everyone else, but ourselves we need to pay extra attention to our alone/ prayer time with the Lord. Making it a priority is the only way it will get done with the never ending “to do” list that so many of us have. Looking forward to reading this book.
Deep emotion just reading the blog. Can’t wait to read the whole book.
This was so helpful for feeling the presence of Jesus instead of stressing about not feeling good enough today. Thank you for reminding me He gives us peace in the storms of life.
I love the words “to rest” in this busy life sometimes its hard to rest. it is encouraging to hear from sisters in Christ. Praying God will bless you as you encourage other women who just want to find peace and rest in Christ.
One way I will carve out time for whitespace and rest is by eating a big bowl of Vietnamese beef noodle soup! Thank you for this post. It really came in at the right time. I’ve been feeling so restless even though I could be going to bed early but I can’t make myself stop and do it! After reading this I will be whispering the name of Jesus to soothe me til I fall asleep tonight 🙂
The very thing I battle the most … That it is okay to just stop and lay down when it’s all too much.
It’s been a crazy busy year and I’m looking forward to some down time this summer while my kids are spending the time with their dad. I’ve sensed God wanting to pour into and nurture me, but I’ve been moving too fast to be still and receive. Now it’s time to slow down and make room for whitespace. 🙂
Finding rest today by taking time to be still and letting God speak to my wounded heart. He can speak to me in the beauty of His creation and His still, quiet voice. #mywhitespace
This is exactly what I needed. My husband passed away a year ago and there have been so many times I was so stressed I wouldn’t pray, so exhausted there were no words, Thank you for sharing!!
I have recently starting keeping a Scripture Art Journal. Sometimes I choose part of a favorite scripture, or song lyrics and then I illustrate what my heart hears. It is by no means a great work of
art, but it is a work of heart. This makes me reflect on scripture and on God.
Bonnie, you inspire me so much. I love you as my sister in Christ, and my inspiration.
Your writing, your spirit, and your book are filled with live-giving beauty.
Your honesty and transparency- especially in incidents like the dog owner in the park- give me hope.
I am so glad that I happened upon this post. One of my goals for this summer was seeking a closer relationship with God. I didn’t name it “whitespace”, but I have come to realize that it’s exactly what my soul is searching for. I need more whitespace to just be and enjoy. Life is so overwhelming with three kids, a husband and job searching! whew!
So, so sweet
My husband is away for a few days and I am using this quiet time to rest and not feel guilty or selfish.
Love to get to win this book good luck every one my god bless you all it’s a great blog I love reading what other ppl write about The Lord so we can all grow
Just what my soul needed to hear today…thanks
Needing to find the whitespace … in need of much rest … it has been a really stressful time in my life!
Oh I just love your posts…. I can’t wait to read the next one… I would so love to win a copy… Being unemployed and sick right now is not the business… but I’m trusting in God and your quotes and posts have been so helpful. thank you so much for allowing God to use you….
Love the devotional, I need the book to help me find more intimate time with God.
rest seems so foreign March husband had stroke May Husband had 4 quiet strokes- I have
to keep working and now taking care of my husband. bills just applied for insurance
It could all have been worse- God help us COME I will give you REST
Love Wonderstruck !! Would love to win this book!
I desperately need some white space! Looking forward to reading this book!
THANK YOU for sharing the great trailer to your new book! I loved it and desire, as many women do, to find that “whitespace” of our hearts and souls…..the place that we step back and let the Lord write His story for our lives….the “whitespace” where we don’t mess it up, where we don’t have our own agendas, where we don’t try to control every detail….the space ONLY God can touch with his creativitiy! I look forward to and am excited about reading this incredible book!
Melanie Ebel
Through some quiet moments in my room.
Some things have happened in my life recently that rocked (but not shattered) my world and left me without the ability to find the words to pray so I reminded myself what the Bible tells me in Romans 8:26-27 – In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.
Finding the spiritual whitespace seems so impossible today. Please choose me for one of Bonnie Gray’s Finding the Spiritual Whitespace books. Thank you.
Bonnie taps into our real need to be filled with Jesus. Her writing style speaks clearly to the parched soul and her heart beats with ours. Love this post as I do most of her writing.
I just read the sample of the book on amazon!! It is great!